chapter 38

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Billie's POV

"Yo look at these shoes I got though" I said, showing Katherine the new Jordan's I got while I was gone. I usually don't buy my own stuff, but they were too fire to not get.

"I'm gonna steal them." She said, looking at them in awe.

"You only wear your white air force ones babe, I don't think you're gonna ever wear them. But you know my closet is always open to you."

She laughed at that, but then made a painful face after laughing.

I can tell she's in pain all the time, but it's mainly her ribs. They did xrays and nothing is broken, just bruised. But they said it should heal in a week with the right care.

"My face hurts, kiss it for me." She said, looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

"You're a baby." I said, but still kissing her.

"I'll show you who's a baby once my rib starts hurting, I've missed that body of yours." She said seductively, brushing my inner thigh.

"Oh, yeah?" I said, testing her.


~~ pretty descriptive smut warning, skip to the bold line if you're sensitive to smut ~~

I sit down on the bed next to her, kissing her smoothly regardless of her lip being busted. She didn't seem to mind the pain either way.

She deepens into the kiss, lowering herself on me as I spun to put my legs on the bed. She pressed her body on mine, grinding slowly as she kissed my lips more.

"I thought you were gonna wait until you weren't in pain anymore baby?" I say, teasing her.

"I couldn't wait anymore, I guess."

She moved her lips down to my neck, nipping at sensitive spots along the sides. I let out small noises because of that.

She moved her lips down to my collar bones, tugging at the seem of my shirt for permission to take it off. When I nod, she pulls the shirt over my head, immediately kissing down my torso.

She sucks subtly at my skin, leaving red and purple marks down my stomach.

Whenever she gets down to my waistline, she looks up at me, but when she sees that I'm practically begging for her to go farther, she moves back up my body with her tongue.

"You're so mean." I say, which causes her to chuckle.

"I'll get there eventually, don't worry."

A quiet moan lets out as she leads her tongue onto my bare chest, after unhooking my bra.

She moved down my body once again, getting to my waistline.

"Please." I said, needing her.

"Alright." She pulled my sweatpants off my body, but not my underwear just yet.

She kissed down my thighs, rubbing her soft fingers on my inner thigh, causing me to make more noise.

She rubbed her finger across my slit through my underwear, making me arch my back before she even did anything major.

"You're sensitive baby." She said, biting her lip.

"You've been teasing me for the past thirty minutes."


She pulled down my underwear, smiling at how drenched I already was.

Let's just say, the rest of the night was pretty fun.

smut ends

"Hi pretty baby." I heard a voice say as I opened my eyes, yawning to show how tired I was.

"Good morning baby." I say, turning over to see Katherine's pretty face.

"I don't remember falling asleep last night." I said, which made her smile.

"Your eyes were closed most of the night anyways." She winked.

She's so hot bro.

"Breakfast!" I heard my mom yell from the kitchen.

"I gotta take my medicine." Katherine said, getting up and walking towards her bag on my floor.

"Do you want me to go get you some water?" I say, but she looks around the room, grabbing a half empty water bottle from my dresser.

"That's been in here for atleast two weeks Katherine." I say, but she's too tired to care.

"Water doesn't expire." She says, as she places three pills on her tongue, gulping them down with the water.

I start to walk out of the room, before she pulls me back in by my arm.

"You should probably put a shirt on babe." She says, pointing to the dark purple marks on my stomach.

"I'm gonna get you for that." I say, throwing on a random t shirt from my floor.

Hm, Gucci.

I greet my mom with a smile, as I sit down at the table waiting for my plate.

"Good morning Maggie." Katherine says with a smile.

"Good morning sweetie. How are you feeling?"

"In pain, but I'll be okay." She said, smiling still.

I love their relationship so much.

My mom gives both of us plates of toast, vegan sausage, and rice and beans.

This is what my mom usually makes, and honestly, it's really good.

"Woah, this is bomb." Katherine says, taking a bite of the beans and rice. "I've never had beans and rice in a breakfast form but damn."

My mom smiles at the compliment, handing Finneas his plate as well. I think my dads out doing something, because he isn't home.

"Mom, can Claudia come over tomorrow? I want you to meet her." Finneas asks.

He talked about her the entire trip, and they facetimed almost every night and day. She's gorgeous, and I love her, but I can only hear Finneas gushing about her so much.

"Finneas, you're old enough now that you don't have to ask me." Mom said, laughing.

"Well, I figured it'd be best to ask you since it's your house." He said, biting into his sausage.

Katherine and I both ate fast, and we excused ourselves once we both finished our plates.

"You seem like you're feeling better." I say, looking at Katherine smile as soon as we walk back into my red lit room.

"I'm not, but I get to see your pretty face everyday again and I'm happy about it." She says, wrapping her arms around the back of my neck. "I'm happy here. In your house, with your parents. I feel so welcomed."

"I love you. I missed you so much mamas." I say, placing a small kiss on her lips.

"I love you too baby. And, I think I missed you way more."

her ocean eyes // billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now