chapter 7

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kat's pov:

"you can shower first, i think you're messier than me." billie said, looking me up and down.

"there's not enough hot water for us to both shower, so you can just shower. i'll change clothes and wash off in the hose" i said. that was kind of our only option unless we were gonna shower together and frankly, that's just not even an option.

"dude if we have our bras and shit on we can just shower together, it'll be basically like swimming. that's just if u don't mind though, that may be a little weird for you" billie said awkwardly.

to be fair i really didn't mind but, my dad would flip his shit.

"yeah my dad would never allow that" i said, walking out of the bathroom to get her a towel.

"here" i said, tossing it to her. "i'll be back," i said, leaving before she could protest.

i heard her scoff and then i heard the water turn on, so i walked to the backyard, telling my dad i'd be back and that billie was showering.

since nobody was gonna come back here, i carefully took my dirty, stinky shirt off and rinsed it with the hose, and then rinsed the rest of my body, and did the same with my shorts.

i grabbed the towel that i brought outside and wrapped it around me before going inside to change.

the bathroom billie was in was connected to my room, and it didn't have a door because it was just a walkway, so when i opened the door to my bedroom to change, the first thing i saw was billies nude body standing in my bathroom.

"fuck, i'm sorry" i said, jerking my head the other way. i didn't want her to think i did it on purpose.

"dude relax. i really don't mind, it was an accident," she said before stopping, "well atleast i think it was" she said, winking and laughing.

"it was, dumby. don't flatter yourself too much" i said, looking back towards her. by now she had a towel wrapped around her.

"i'm gonna go change in my closet so you can change in here" i said, starting to walk towards my closet.

"oh wait, kat-" she said before i could walk in, "uh, i didn't bring any extra clothes" she said very cautiously.

"oh yeah that's fine, we definitely don't wear the same size because well, u have titties. buuut, i have hoodies?" i said, trying to joke around.

"so you did look at my body, hm?" she said, she sounded somewhat seductive.

"oh no no no no, you can tell without you being naked honestly, they're just there." i said, trying to make her believe me. i mean, i was telling the truth, i didn't even see her full body before i looked away earlier.

"mhm alright. hand me a hoodie baby," she said. she always calls me that and it send chills down my spine. i'm not even sure why. "and some sweatpants, i think we wear the same size in those" she said again.

i threw a black playboy hoodie towards her with some black sweatpants, not even looking at what the hoodie was.

"ooh playboy. you boujee." she said, jokingly.

"you act like you haven't seen your room or your closet. it's not mine." i said, knowing damn well it's madison's.

i'm glad she didn't ask who's it was, because that'd be kinda weird.

i stepped into the closet to change into a pair of jeans and a green tube top, and then grabbing a small chain to go with it.

"woah, u look good mama" she said as i stepped out the closet. i felt myself blushing.

"oh shut up, do u still wanna go do shit today like you planned?" i said, obviously changing the subject.

she said yes and we started planning what we were gonna do. but, based on her tone, i think she already had the whole thing figured out and she was just trying to get my approval on it.

she stopped mid conversation and looked at my neck, "damn what's that? you don't seem like the freaky type." she said, obviously pointing to the hickey.

"i don't think hickey's automatically mean ur freaky, seems kinda vanilla to me. but, it's from madison. we didn't break up until recently," i said, kind of laughing to try and cover the awkwardness.

"vanilla my ass, i'm not vanilla baby. i just meant i didn't think you were the sex type at all." she said, trying to defend herself.

"i guess you learn new things everyday," i said, winking. she just laughed.

"you wanna go ahead and leave? i wanna get out before it gets too dark" she said, which i wasn't disagreeing too.

i slipped on my air force ones and grabbed my keys before walking out the door. both of our hair was still mainly wet from our showers, but i'm sure it'll dry during the car ride.

we drove for a little bit to a cute café, dancing and singing to music that we both liked. we really bond well. maybe conan was right, i do love her. not in that way though...

as soon as we got out, we had parked a little bit away from the café so we had to walk. a girl who seemed about 16 walked up to billie, asking for a picture. then, shortly after a group of three girls did the same. she was so sweet to all of them.

"damn, you famous baby" i said, nudging her arm with my elbow to show i was joking.

"yeah yeah, don't remind me. also, don't call me baby. that's my thing for you." she said, very sternly. she sent shivers down my spine, again.

once we got to the cafe, we walked in and ordered our food, and decided to sit inside. we figured less people would recognize her and we wanted to just sit and talk.

it was a vegan cafe so she didn't have to worry about finding something that she could eat. and i'm also lactose intolerant so it was easier for me too.

"damn, i guess were on our first date" she said, and i honestly couldn't tell if she was kidding.

"oh shut up, don't even act like you're gay because i think we both know you like dick" i said, not joking at all. she definitely isn't into girls.

"oh really now? because last time i checked, i'm most definitely very into girls." she said, surprising me.

"oh, seriously? i didn't even know."

"damn. you must be oblivious to flirting then" she said.



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