chapter 45

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Katherine's POV

"Hey, baby. Get up." I say, shaking Bil stubbornly.

It was 6am, but we have a free day today and I want to do something cute.

She groans, turning over so that now her head is buried in my chest. I feel her sigh against my skin, and she wraps her arm around me.

"I'm not getting up, let's go back to sleep." She says, her voice muffled from the outside of my shirt.

"Fine. But we're doing something later." I say, scooting down to her level, cuddling into her side.

"I love you." Bil said, randomly but sweetly. A smile creeped on my face and I run my fingers through her hair.

"I love you too."

We eventually fall back asleep, which was probably best because once we both woke up she was in more of an active mood.

"Good morning sunshine." She says as I open my eyes, my hands tangled in her hair and my cheek on her shoulder.

"You're being so nice today. You good?" I say jokingly.

"I'm always nice." She pouts.

"Mhm." I reply.

She scrolls through her instagram, liking posts from random people she follows solely for their fashion.

"She's cute." I say, pointing to a girl who she spent extra time looking at.

"No, she is." She says, going back to her home screen, pointing at a picture of me.

"You're ridiculous." I say, throwing the blankets over me, almost hitting my head on the top of the bunk.

I keep forgetting we're in a bus. But, we get a hotel tonight. Thank god. I'm so tired of this cramped bus.

The bus is moving right now, but when I look out the window, we pass a sign with big words reading, "Welcome to Washington DC."

The Toronto show was about a week ago, and last nights show was in Brooklyn, New York.

Tomorrow's show is the last one before we have a week break, which I'm stoked for. We get to stay in a hotel for a week instead of this dumb ass bus.

I glance at the clock, but the numbers are too fuzzy for me to even see.

"It's 9:30." Billie said, laughing at me squinting.

I climb over her, jumping out of the bunk.

"I'm going to do my makeup." I say, kissing her forehead, before walking to the bathroom.

Doing your makeup in a moving bus is difficult. But, I managed.

After looking in the mirror for approval for almost half an hour, I decided to post a quick picture to my instagram story.

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