chapter 22

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**katherine's pov**
"Hey, babe. Can you grab my charger?" I said, pointing across the hotel room. We were leaving today after a long week of exploring the island and trying new things, and as much as I love it here, I miss my bed. I'm just not ready for Billie to leave again once we get home.

Billie hands me my charger, teasingly pulling it behind her back every time I tried to grab it. After a few tries, I finally got it, laughing as I stuffed it in my bag.

I zipped up my suitcase and put my carry-on bag on my back, waiting for Bil to finish packing as well.

It's been about 3 days since our little frisky night after the beach, and it happened once again last night after our last dinner here.

"I'm readyyyy." Billie said, smiling as she walked over to me, placing her hand on my cheek and looking into my eyes.

"You're literally so beautiful." She said, standing on her tiptoes, kissing my forehead. All I could do was smile.

We walked out of our hotel, and as we looked over Maggie and Zoe were also walking out.
Billie walked over to Finneas's door, banging on it saying, "Peeennniisss hurry up, we gotta go," in her silly baby voice.

Finneas walks out, rolling his eyes at Billie's gesture while she laughs at him.

We all walk down to the lobby, ordering an uber as Billie paid for the hotel and room service.

"Damn, Bali expensive as fuck." Billie said, shoving her credit card back in her wallet. I look over to see a picture of her and I sitting beside her i.d. , but I have no idea when she printed it or anything.

The uber arrived quicker than we thought, so we all piled out the doors, getting into the three-row seated car.

Billie gets in first, putting her arm around the back of the seat so whenever I sit down beside her, her arm hugs my shoulders. She pulls my head down to her shoulder, playing with my hair as she hums a tune that i've never heard.

Everybody in the car makes jokes and laughs about dumb stuff as Billie and I just sit in our own little world, enjoying each other's presence.

I have no idea how Maggie doesn't know something's happening with us, unless she's just hiding the fact that she knows. Because, we don't act like friends. Not even around her.

As soon as we get out of the Uber to walk into the airport, a swarm of paparazzi storms Billie and I, asking a million questions.

"Is this the girl from the beach?" one of them says, as Billie replies with, "Nah, that was just my Bali bitch." Which causes just about everyone to stare.

They continue snapping pictures and following us throughout the airport until we reach security and they're forced away.

"That answer isn't gonna get anything good from it, Billie." Maggie said, looking concerned.

Everything Billie says is always twisted around or turned into something that it wasn't. Maggie knows Billie likes girls, and her fans know based on the stuff Billie says but she's never properly came out.

Billie's phone rings, and her face completely changes as the name, "Brandon," pops up on her screen for the third time this week. But, this time it's a call.

"Yo, Eilish. Why haven't you been picking up my calls?" I hear coming from her phone, which is pressed to her ear now.

"I'm on vacation dude. Give me a break. You can't just disappear for months then come back and expect me to be your fucking toy again. What the fuck do you want." She said, her cheeks getting flushed and her eyes flickering. She does that when her ticks kick in.

Billie has mild tourette's, and her ticks mainly come out when she's anxious or mad, or when a stressful topic is brought up.

She continues yelling through the phone as he yells even louder. I look at how angry she's getting, and I take the phone from her hands, ending the call.

"Why did you do that? He's gonna be so pissed now." Billie said, gesturing a confused look towards me.

"Who cares, Billie. He isn't worth it."

"Maybe he is to me."

My face got hot and flustered and I felt as if I was gonna cry now. Does she still love him? Is she gonna go back to him?

Billie walks off, sighing and letting out a big, "What-the-fuck-ever Kat. You wouldn't understand."

Everyone around is staring at us, since there was a shit ton of yelling coming from us in the middle of the airport. I see Billie all the way at the gate already, sitting down in the airport chairs, scrolling through her phone.

The flight starts boarding, and Billie and Zoe switch places where they usually sit, so Billie doesn't sit next to me, instead she sits next to Finneas.


Halfway through the flight, I feel my phone buzz under my leg and I look, surprisingly seeing a text from Finneas.

Finneas: Shes texting Brandon. She has been the entire flight. I thought i'd tell you.

My heart sunk. Maybe she does miss him. Maybe I'm not doing enough for her or maybe she isn't over him yet.

I just want her to love me. I want her to know I love her.

her ocean eyes // billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now