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The next day at school Jisung did what he was going to now consider his new routine at school, which was talk to Seungmin, Felix, and Jeongin regularly in class then go outside for lunch by himself

Felix questioned it but Jisung told him he was fine, Felix was unsure about it but didn't want to bug Jisung with it

Minho on the other hand was sad about Jisung but he was also spending a lot of time with Kitae. He still wouldn't let Kitae hold his hand or do any type of skinship but the two were definitely close

Jisung where were you at lunch?

I miss you

Please sit with me tomorrow

If something is wrong please tell me

Or at least Felix or someone

Don't keep things to yourself you will get stressed

I really hope you're doing well<3

Almost a week continued like this until it was Tuesday  again which meant it was time  for Minho to tutor Jisung

Somehow Felix just let Jisung continue what he was doing and didn't question him anymore about it

Kitae and Minho hung out a lot outside of school but Minho would talk about Jisung a lot which made Kitae mad

Minho ran up to Jisung and hugged him, he was super happy since this was the first time he has seen or talked to him or texted in a week

"Jisung what the heck I missed you so much, you don't even answer texts. You've gotten skinnier you need to eat more! I'm so happy to see you though!"

"Please stop" Jisung said moving Minho's arms from around him making Minho sad but he was still happy that he could even be in Jisung's presence

"Let's go" Jisung said emotionless and started walking

Minho tried to grab his hand but Jisung quickly moved it away

They got through the tutor session with Jisung just nodding and writing stuff down, not saying a word to Minho

"Do you want to eat snacks and watch a movie?" Minho asked Jisung when they finished

"I'm not hungry"

"Okay, then what about the movie?"

"I'm busy with other school homework"

"Okay Jisung please tell me what's wrong" Minho begged

"I already said that nothing is wrong"

"Let's go get some cheesecake"

"I don't want any" Jisung said

"Something is definitely wrong"

Minho suddenly hugged Jisung and they both fell on the bed, Jisung tried to get him to let go

"I'm not letting you go till you tell me what's wrong"

Then Minho looked down when he felt something wet on his shirt and saw Jisung crying

"Please just leave I really can't tell you and you are making this really hard"

"I'm so so so sorry I really didn't mean to make you cry" Minho said getting up and grabbing his stuff

"I'll leave now but I am really concerned for you, please at least talk to Felix or someone about it" Minho said before he left

Jisung just laid there staring at his ceiling, he hated doing this to Minho, he hated sitting by himself at lunch, he hated Kitae

I'm sorry please don't hate me

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