Q and A #2

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99 comments, 2164 words, I feel bad that this is longer than any chapter but thank you so much for all the comments!!! I'm so sorry if I missed any but i don't think I did!


-What inspired you to write this story. Also I love your writing and this book is amazing🥰~ at first it was pure boredom but now I write when I'm stressed from school, it's fun lol and I love people's comments!

-how do you keep up a story this long~idk lol

-How do you get inspiration to write every day? also take my love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️~boredom, stress, and comments ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

-why did you have to do this last one?😭 Also, will we get chapters with other ships or not? Just curious... ☺️~the story would probably basically be over if I didn't T-T. And Jeongin and Chan still hasn't happened 🙃 Felix and Changbin haven't kissed yet

-I love you~❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

-what's your favorite movie? And I don't know you but you see, like a really nice person!~ahhhhh I have no idea oof, Umm Coraline maybe? (idk why) and thank you!! You seem really nice too!!!

-how do you fight writers block~ I ask for help🙃, I will read your peoples stories and  try to help you with writer's block if you ever want or need


-Are you really going to believe Minho's supposed ex~It all depends I guess, I also need to talk to Minho about it but I don't see why Beomseok would have a reason to lie

-When you hear the full story, will you break up with Minho if it's that bad~if he ever did cheat on Beomseok then I would hope he's changed since then but I'm also going to have trust issues with it for a while if I have reason to believe he's cheating on me then yes

-Are you worried about your relationship with Minho?~rn Yes, but it's only because when I asked about his ex he changed the subject immediately and now his ex is telling me that he has a past with cheating

-why do you doubt Minho? Hasn't he proven his love for you?~I just really want to hear Beomseok's story and if he has a past of cheating then I want to make sure he won't cheat on me, he has proven that he likes me a lot and I like him a lot too so I hope everything works out for us T-T

-why are you dumb~i was sadly born this was, half of it is boredom making me do dumb stuff, the other half is just.... idek

-what would you do if Minho gave you a lifetime supply of cheesecake?~well a lifetime supply would go bad, rotten cheesecake is gross but he already buys me cheesecake whenever I want it which is one of the reasons I like him so much!

-can promise me you won't dump Minho if what his ex says is true? Like come on the dude JUST got his friends back and Felix isn't even 100% cool with him~It all depends, I definitely don't want to dream up with him. I want everyone to be friends again so if anything does happen and we break up I will tell everyone it was mutual. Felix is just an overprotective friend and he hasn't known Minho for that long, he will get over it

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