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You and I are going on a date tomorrow

Oh, okay

I'll pick you up from your house
Tomorrow at 2

Minho <3:
Okay, where are we going?

It's a surprise

Okay then I guess I will see you tomorrow


AWW, you did it first!! <3

It was the next day and Jisung had the whole day planned out and expected it to go perfectly

He was going to pick Minho up at 2, they were going to go hiking on a mountain, got to a cafe to get cheesecake, take the cheesecake home and watch movies together

And it would work out great if Minho would have mentioned the fact he was scared of heights when he mentioned he liked hiking

He liked hiking on nature trails and stuff, not anything to do with heights but Jisung didn't know what

And once Minho found out they were going mountain hiking he didn't want to tell Jisung he didn't want to do it, so he convinced himself that it would be okay and followed Jisung

They had been hiking for about 15 minutes and they were already pretty far up, or at least it seemed high up to Minho

"Jisung, hand" he said hiding his fear the best he could while reaching for Jisung's hand

"Okay" Jisung said not thinking much about it since Minho was usually clingy since they had started dating

About another 30 minutes passed, of them not talking much but it wasn't awkward for them

But also Minho was having a mental breakdown and Jisung had not noticed until he had finally turned around and stopped walking

"Minho, are you okay? You look kinda pale"

"Umm yeah but Jisung I kinda forgot to leave out a tiny detail when I told you that I like hiking"

"What is it?"

"So when I said I liked hiking I meant on trails and stuff, not mountain cause I'm kind of scared of heights"

"What the heck!!! Why didn't you tell me? I'm so sorry let's go back" Jisung said and started walking back down the mountain hand in hand with Minho who was now standing a lot closer to Jisung since he knew and Minho didn't have to hide the fact he was terrified anymore

They finally got back down and were now in Jisung's car

"I'm so sorry I made you do that, I tried to plan a day and the first thing I planned scared you"Jisung said to Minho who felt really bad for making Jisung feel bad

"It's okay, we still have other things to do right? And I'm the one who didn't tell you"

"Yeah but the rest of what I planned just includes or getting cheesecake and watching movies which is what we always do"

"And that sounds perfect, we don't need to do anything else but next time I will take you to my favorite hiking place okay?"

"Okay, let's go get cheesecake" Jisung said feeling slightly better and smiled and Minho smiled back at him, he wasn't going to let anything come between their relationship ever again

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