Extra chapter 3 (Changlix)

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They have all been in college for about another year now and tomorrow was finally the day of Jisung's and Minho's wedding, also the year anniversary of the proposal

They had been engaged for a year and all of their friends and family's were so happy for them

They were both happily at their house talking about the last-minute wedding things when they heard a knock on the door

They opened and saw Changbin standing there looking a bit nervous, they let him walk in then closed the door behind him

"What's up?" Minho asked him

"I have a question and you guys definitely don't have to agree to it because I know it's your wedding and it's a really important day for both of you......But can I propose to Felix at your wedding?"

Jisung automatically looked at Minho with eyes practically begging him to say yes, not that Minho was going to say no unless Jisung didn't agree to it

"Yeah go ahead, we don't mind" Minho said

"I'm so excited" Jisung said, he was now even more excited for tomorrow if that was even possible

"Thank you for agreeing to this. And Jisung you better not freaking tell Felix about this before it happens"

"Minho hide my phone from me, I don't trust myself"Jisung said handing his phone to Minho as he walked upstairs to hide it

"Well thank you so so much for letting me do this, I'm so happy for you both and I will see you tomorrow"Changbin said to them once Minho came back

They both hugged him before he left

"Good luck tomorrow, even though he's definitely going to say yes" Jisung said and Changbin nodded said bye and thanks to them, then left

When Changbin got home and he looked at the ring, he just stared at it and thought of the different ways he could propose to him

Even though he was almost completely positive that Felix would say yes he was still nervous about it

He decided to send Felix his nightly text then go to sleep

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

It was now the day of the wedding and everyone was at the inside place

Changbin decided that he was going to wait till after the marriage ceremony to purpose to Felix since he didn't want to take attention away from it

He was sitting next to Felix holding his hand

"Why are you so tense?" Felix asked him

"I'm not, I'm just super excited for our friends" Changbin explained as a dumb excuse

"Okay?" Felix said not really believing him

Soon enough Jisung and Minho were officially married

Everyone got up to go congratulate them, but before Felix had the chance Changbin dragged him outside

"What are you doing? I wanted to congratulate Jisung" Felix said pouting

"I have a question"

"That you have to ask right this moment?" 


"Okay, What is it? This better be important"

Suddenly Changbin took off his plastic ring pop ring that he had been wearing ever since they got mentally married then he took off Felix's, then threw them away in the garbage can a few feet away from them

Felix gasped and his eyes got watery

"A-are you d-divorcing our Me-mental marriage?" Felix asked him

"No, More like an upgrade" Changbin said not expecting Felix to somehow take that the wrong way

"You found someone better than me?" Felix asked as a tear slipped down his cheek

Changbin whipped his tear away and kissed his cheek gently

"There isn't anyone better than you"

"Then what do you mean?"

"Would you like to upgrade from a mental marriage to a real one?" Changbin asked as he pulled out the ring and got down on his knee

Felix stared at him with a blank facial expression



"Yes what?"

"Marrying you for real, just give me a moment to comprehend"Felix said to him

Changbin slid the ring onto Felix's finger

Felix looked at him with a big smile

"We are engaged!" Felix said

"Yes, I know we are"

"And this ring isn't plastic"

"No, it's not" Changbin said laughing at him

Felix suddenly ran inside and found Jisung with Changbin following him

"JISUNG!!! I just got engaged for real!!!!" Felix said hugging him

"Congratulations, I'm so happy for you!" Jisung said to him

Felix let go of his best friend then turned back around to his future husband

"I'm so happy" Felix said hugging Changbin

"Me too" Changbin said hugging him back

-the end (again)-

That was a weird way to end it, but I didn't really know how to end that lol

Again, thank you so much for reading this!!!!❤️❤️❤️

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