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~One year later~

The school year had gone great for all of them, no fights, no huge arguments and they had all remained super close friends

They all applied for the same collages hoping to get into the same one

The younger 5 had just graduated a few days ago since school ended a bit earlier this year then it did last year

They were all planning on meeting up at Chan's later to celebrate like they had last year

But for now, they were all hanging out with their own boyfriends

Jisung and Minho were at the cafe eating cheesecake while talking about college

"What do you want to do? I just realized that we have never asked each other this question" Minho said

"Produce music, hopefully 3Racha will continue being a thing. What about you?"

"I want to open a dance studio for children "

"Aww, I can see that and it's going to be adorable" Jisung said

They had both finished their cheesecake and were now walking while holding hands

"Hey, let's go to that hiking trail I like" Minho suggested

"Oh okay sure" Jisung agreed as they started walking towards it since they were already close 

They had been walking on the trail for about 15 minutes when Minho grabbed Jisung's hand to stop him

"Hey" Minho said to them as he accidentally pulled Jisung to where they were face to face

"Hi" Jisung said and kissed him quickly

"Do you know what today is?" Minho asked him

"It's not your birthday, it's not mine, it's not our anniversary, it's not any of our friends birthdays or anniversaries....what?"

"It's about to be the anniversary of something.....hopefully"

"What do you mean?" Jisung asked him confused "please don't say the anniversary of us breaking up or anything"

"I said hopefully at the end of that. Why are you always so concerned I'm going to break up with you?"Minho asked him since it had been something Jisung had been concerned about several times

"We've been through a lot and we have been dating for a while but I'm always scared that you are eventually going to get tired of me" Jisung confessed and Minho just hugged him tighter and kissed his head

"I'm never going to get tired of you... leading us back to the original topic" Minho said starting to get slightly nervous and Jisung could tell and pulled away from the hug

"Why are you so nervous? I'm scared? What is it?" Jisung asked suddenly getting more nervous then Minho even though he didn't even know what was happening

"I'm not nervous, don't be scared" Minho said to him with a slight smile

"The last question?" Jisung asked him

"This exact day last year I asked you a question and you told me to ask you again in a year...."

Jisung's eyes suddenly went wide now remembering what Minho was referring to

"So..." Minho got down on his knee and pulled out a ring "I'm asking you again a year later....will you marry me"

Jisung hugged him as Minho stayed in the position on his knee

"I can't believe you actually remembered that" Jisung said to him smiling although Minho couldn't see it

"Yeah, can you like answer, please? I'm kind of freaking out here" Minho said nervously laughing since he still hadn't gotten a definite yes

"Yes, of course, I love you" Jisung said and kissed him  all over his face

"I love you too" Minho said pulling Jisung into a kiss

-The end-

I'm sorry I suck at endings but I really tried (this was my third time completely rewriting this chapter) endings are so difficult

Thank you so much for reading this, I can't believe it has 50+k reads
Your comments where all so entertaining lol I literally want to be friends with all of you 😂



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