more to learn; soon after

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I'm bored so let's just transport everything over :)


"Hey Yoongi-ssi, do you have a home to get back to?" Jungkook asked, as he placed a bowl of rice and some grilled fish and vegetables in front of Yoongi and himself.

Yoongi sighed and placed his chopsticks down. "... I don't think my dad wants me to return. It's not like I'm not an adult, but I'm still living with my dad. Well, not anymore."

Jungkook patted Yoongi's soft hair (avoiding the cute ears peeking on top because he knew they were sensetive), watching it bounce as he put light pressure on it. "It's okay, Yoongi-ssi."

Yoongi accepted the pats with a slightly annoyed face (but we all know that he actually enjoyed such gentle touches from a soft, pretty boy), then abruptly remember he didn't even know the boy's age. "Jungkook-ssi, how old are you?"

"Ah, don't call me Jungkook-ssi. That's really awkward, just Jungkook please. And I'm twenty!" He smiled, happy that the hybrid was talking to him.

"So young...are you still in school?" Yoongi was slightly concerned about the young boy living alone.

"Yeah, I'm in college studying art. It's like hell." He laughed weakly, thinking about his unfinished art piece that was turned to the wall so he wouldn't have to see the mess that it was.

"How old are you, Yoongi-ssi?"

Yoongi paused, contemplating how much he should share. He still felt extremely uncomfortable talking about himself, despite feeling strangely comfortable around the boy. "I'm twenty-four. Also, just call me hyung; I think you deserve it after doing so much for me. Thanks for that, by the way." He coughed awkwardly, a faint blush rising to his cheeks.

"It's okay. I'm very happy I could do something to help." Jungkook quietly hummed, believing that any person would have done what he had done if they saw an injured cat hybrid or a person (perhaps not to the extreme extent to taking one home).

Yoongi frowned slightly at the boy's naivety. " know regardless of the rights of hybrids and how they're practically equal to humans now doesn't mean that there aren't people who think hybrids as lesser than them. What you did was really reckless. You should be more careful of people you let into your home; not everyone is as nice as you."

Jungkook pouted a little at the hint of a scolding tone under the warning Yoongi gave him. "But you ended up being nice, hyung! All I wanted to do was help..." His voice wavered, unsure if what he was doing was all that bad.

"Jungkook-ah, I'm just concerned you'll end up meeting the wrong type of people. I can tell you'll be too nice and I've only known you for a day. This isn't to scold you, okay? You're old enough to make your own decisions but just be more cautious." Yoongi stretched out his hand hesitantly, a desire to pat the bunny-like boy on his head and stroke the shiny black hair on top, but stopped himself midway. 'No, Yoongi. This is a boy who you have just met. He doesn't want you to touch him.'

"Thanks for caring, hyung." (He hoped he wasn't acting too overly close for a person who they just met in a day.) "I know I might be kinda naive but it's okay. It's better I experience it for myself and learn from my mistakes."

It wasn't like he hadn't heard it multiple times from his older brother, his parents, even his friends. He felt a warm, fluttery feeling pool at the bottom of his stomach, however, which never happened when someone expressed their worries about him (he knew they cared and felt so much appreciation for them but not as intensely to the blond cat hybrid in front of him). 'How strange.' Jungkook clutched subtly under the table where the warmth was building, very confused by his reaction.

Just a small drop of kindness | j.jk x btsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora