going to a restaurant

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"Over here, hyung!" Jungkook waved enthusiastically, seeing the nearing figure get closer, his distinctive pink hair and broad shoulders drawing attention. The loose grip around his waist tightened; Yoongi nosing the back of his neck quietly (the poor hybrid was still grumpy at having to wake up so early on the weekend).

"Can he hurry up already? I'm fucking cold." He sniffled cutely, twitching his pink nose alongside his fluffy ears, curling his long tail around Jungkook's left thigh. Jungkook laughed at his scowling face, stroking his hand comfortingly as Yoongi tried to bury himself closer to Jungkook's neck.

"Hyung, your antlers...!" Jin's head was free of the dead bones, and only left behind pink hair (which had faded considerably).

He patted his own head, nodding at Jungkook's slightly gaping mouth. "Jin-hyung, does that mean you aren't a hybrid anymore?"

Jin chuckled at the innocent look on his face which was bursting with curiosity. "No, Kook-ah. I'm still a deer hybrid, but we shed them every year, so now my head is very light." Jin proceeded to swing his head around, swirling his body as well (making him look like an old man attempting to dance), clearly acting like a crackhead in the middle of the street.

"For fuck's sake, can we hurry up and go inside the damn restaurant?!" Yoongi growled impatiently as Jin continued with his goofy dancing, aided in silliness by his signature windwiper laugh. He grumbled even more, breath escaping into the air, draping himself over Jungkook even more to keep warm.

"You poor hybrid," Jin mocked under his breath, finally stopping and entering the cosy restaurant with Jungkook following behind with Yoongi acting as an overcoat.

Jungkook giggled at Jin holding the door open for him; he was pleasantly surprised at the gesture, causing a light pink flush on the tops of his cheeks. "Jin-hyung, you didn't need to."

Jin smiled, thinking the blush on his face was cute. "Well, with your lovely cat cape on your back, I don't think it's very easy to be mobile." He smiled once again, although it made Yoongi glare back, his face mostly hidden by Jungkook, because he could feel an underlying darkness in his smile.

What an annoying hybrid, taking all his precious Jungkookie's attention. He buried his face even further into the crook of Jungkook's neck, slightly soothed by the delicate scent.

"Yoongi-hyung, are you okay? You're kinda...clingy today." Jungkook reached back to pet Yoongi's icy blond hair, turning around in Yoongi's hold so he could place his forehead on the cat hybrid. "Hmm... you're not that hot...I don't think you have a fever; you're really cold though - we should get you a new coat."

"It's okay, Kook-ah. I'm okay. You're plenty enough for me." He gave Jungkook a gummy smile, clutching tighter around his tiny waist.

Jin stared longingly at the affectionate display of concern, a tugging feeling in his stomach building up (although that may have just been his stomach - but who was he kidding?). Was it too much to ask for that sort of intimacy when it had only been a couple of weeks? The two seemed extremely comfortable with each other, like they had known each other for a long time.

He tugged lightly on Jungkook's sleeve, ignoring the bitter taste in his mouth. "Come, Kook-ah, Yoongi. There's an empty table now."


"Ooh, what's this hyung?" He stared at the plates of plates of uncooked meat and other assortments of food.

"It's hotpot, Kook-ah! All you can eat and the quality's pretty good too!" He distributed some meat, potatoes, lotus root and slices of tofu into the two different sides of soup. "Just fish it out when it's cooked and you can eat it. The meat's already done, see."

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