the 'rescue' and hybrid three (hobi-hobi)

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Jungkook poked his food warily, somewhat suspicious if the older man had poisoned his bowl of... soup (honestly, what on earth was it?).

Seokjin sighed, grabbing Jungkook's hand, which was used to prod at the minestrone, towards his mouth, where he ate a spoonful of his own cooking to prove his innocence. "See? I'm still alive and breathing, so eat up. God knows what you college kids eat up these days." He rolled his eyes at the petulant, put out face he was given in response. "Hurry up, otherwise it'll cold."

"Okay, okay, you nagging old man." He shoved a mouthful of the minestrone into his mouth, expecting it to taste nasty. He was pleasantly surprised at the delicious taste and the comforting warmth that built up as he continued eating it.

"Wow, hyung! I'm actually surprised you can actually cook - it tastes really good!" Jungkook told him while consuming his food. His eyes sparkled in admiration towards Seokjin - his handsome face and his broad, broad shoulders weren't his only selling attribute!

"Good. I'm happy you like it." Seokjin smiled proudly at the enthusiastic consumption of his cooking.


"Seokjin-hyung, you're a lot cooler than I thought!" Jungkook said brightly as he helped wipe the dishes dry.

"Excuse me, when was I never not cool?" He made a mock offended sound as he passed the plate over to his little helper. "Also, Jungkook-ah, I've already told you, it's just Jin-hyung, okay?"

Jungkook hummed in acknowledgement, quietly getting on with his duty. "Is your friend going to pick you up yet? If not, I can escort you back home."

"Ah...I don't know. I think my phone is dead anyway so if he doesn't pick me up, I'll go home by myself." He checked his phone left in the table, attempting to switch it on. Yup, well and truly dead. Oh well, poor Yoongi would get a heart attack (his poor, poor grandpa-like hybrid).

"Well, in that case, how are we going to pass the time? My apartment is kind of empty...I pretty much spend all my time in the restaurant." He scratched his head, somewhat at a loss.

"It's okay, hyung, I saw some board games! Let's play, let's play!" He tugged on Jin's sleeve, impatiently dragging him over to the sofa.

"Okay, okay. You're still a child, aren't you?" He laughed at the excitement beaming on his face, bouncing up and down energetically. Jin joined in with the jumping, rather exaggeratedly and ending up falling over into the sofa, which made Jungkook burst in laughter at Jin's wobbly balance.

The two set up the Monopoly rip-off board together; Jin making stupid dad jokes while Jungkook either laughed or cringed at the terrible puns.

Soon, Jin was yelling, getting angry over the immense amount of properties Jungkook had and how his shitty rolls ended up with him having to pay up while Jungkook was dying of laughter on the floor.

"Hyung, you're so bad at this game!" His sight blurred with tears; his stomach cramping up at the intense exercise of his abdomen. He hadn't laughed that hard in a long time, slowly coming down from that high before taking a glance at Jin furiously shaking the dice in his hand to only get a terrible number.

In the end, one ended up sprawled in a pile of fake money while the other scowled at his shitty luck. "Aw, hyung, don't sulk - it's okay that you're getting old and can't roll the dice properly." Jungkook teased breathlessly, still affected by his laughing fit.

"Yah, you brat. You'll see once I beat your ass in Halli Galli!" He pointed his finger provocatively, also exhausted from all his shouting.

"When did we decide to play Halli Galli?" Jungkook asked, unaware of the change of plans.

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