it's the circle of life; we're back again

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All Yoongi had done was cat nap. Quite literally, he would sleep, wake up, to fall right back asleep (and if he snuggled closer to the sweet vanilla smell of one human...well, no one would know).

Didn't he feel like a right bum; he was mooching off a kid four years younger than him: eating his food, using his water and electricity, inhabiting his home - and he wasn't half as useful as the ordinary cat.

He should find a job, but that was easier said than done. Being a college dropout with no outstanding qualifications made only minimum wage jobs open, and even so, jobs that involved any form of socialising always ended up with him receiving a complaint of his sharp gaze and unwillingness to deal with troublesome customers (it was worth being fired anyway, he would hate to see that bitch who complained to his manager everytime he turned up to his shift).

And hell was he never going to turn to prostitution, although he had a few offers of 'being fucked so hard he'd see stars' which to be frank were revolting to think of and he would rather maul off his own face with pointy daggers glued to his nails.

He probably should find a job, either way. If Yoongi would be staying for a while, he'd probably need to earn his keep so he wouldn't get kicked out again.

How he hated being an adult, although what would escaping to childhood do for him anymore? Yoongi wondered if his dad wasn't drinking himself to sleep - even after being thrown out by him he was still a little concerned (he was never all that bad when he was younger and so there was still some lingering affection). Yoongi sighed to himself, damn his weak heart. Even when his bastard of a father no longer wanted him, he still cared too much for someone who didn't even want him.

Fuck it, he was going to see his old man, wasn't he? That irritating voice in the back of his head kept the concern ringing for his dad, no matter how much he wanted to just be done with him.

Resolutely, he decided to stop that tiny voice by going back. 'I'm sorry kid, I just can't seem to know how to look after myself. I can't seem to help myself.' He scoffed at his words; he was going to leave such a cosy place (to stop burdening the poor college kid) and return to his hellhole. He was a dumbass. Such a fucking idiot.

And so, Yoongi left the apartment.

He didn't know if he would return (despite desperately wanting to go back to the warm bed surrounded by that comforting scent, back to Jungkook's sweet smiles and warm pets). He was probably a massive burden to the boy, anyway.


"Dad, it's me." Yoongi knocked on the door, receiving no response. He knocked again, having no way to enter because he never got to take his keys during the fight he had with his father. Sighing to himself, he turned the doorknob to find that it still open. 'Good thing there's nothing much in this house.'

The house still looked like a wreck, and it clearly didn't seem that his dad had lessened his drinking problem any time he had left, by the sight of cheap soju bottles strewed all over the wooden floor board. His dad was lying on his belly, looking pretty knocked out and smelling of a strong alcohol stench. He looked horrible and Yoongi had yet to see his face fully.

He was somewhat disappointed he couldn't immediately deal with his father, take his things and leave, because it wasn't like this house had any good memories anymore. He snorted at his situation; it wasn't like he hadn't attempted to run away in his childhood but his stupidly caring self couldn't help and return to try to get his dad to get better. God, he wasn't any use to this world. Damn him and his father. Damn it all.

He could only curse to himself as he picked up the glass shards, ignoring the burn as it cut into his skin. If only he was drunk too, like his dad now, then he would have laughed at his blood dripping over the green shards, watched in fascination as he slowly smeared the red liquid all over his tail and ears - these accursed things that only made his life a living hell.

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