Chapter 13

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Damon and I have been sitting to talk every night. He told me we should get to know each other better and I agreed.

One day, sometime in mid-January, Matt had gone over to one of his new friend's houses. I was cleaning up in the kitchen when Damon came in. "I tell you this every time, but you know you don't have to clean that up, right? I hire the maids for a reason."

He came to stand next to me, watching amusedly.

I shrugged. "I know...but I just, I'm not used to it. It's always been just me and Matt."

He leaned over me to grab a sponge. I stared at him in surprise as he began washing a plate. "I'll soap, you rinse."

A grin lit up my face to see him doing something new. We worked in silence for the first few minutes, until he finally spoke up. "Can I ask about your parents? I know it's a touchy subject, and I understand if you don't wanna talk about it."

"No, it's okay." I smiled softly. He was a good listener and I would love to get this off my chest. "We were in a car accident two years ago. It was a drunk driver. Our car flipped over, it killed my dad instantly. My mom was in the ICU for a week, but she didn't make it. I managed to pull my brother out of the car and call 9-1-1. He was in a coma for almost a year before he finally woke up."

Damon frowned. "You were only 17? What did you do?"

"My parents had a good amount of money saved up. I used it all to pay my brother's hospital bills. My aunt paid for my parent's funeral, but we were never close and she didn't really want anything to do with me after their deaths. She said I reminded her too much of my mom." I choked up at the end, thinking of my beautiful caring mother. What would she say about me now?

Suddenly, I was pulled into a hug. "Your parents would be so proud of you." He murmured. I buried my face in his chest, taking a deep breath of his cologne.

He snorted. "Bubbles are a good look on you." I touched the top of my hair, only to have my hand come back with a bunch of soapy suds. I smiled at him, thankful for him lightening the mood. He understood that I didn't want his pity.

"Oh, it's on." We had left the water running and it had created a foaming pool of bubbles in the sink. I cupped some of them in my hand and stuck them on his head. I giggled at the sight of him; this tall, handsome guy just covered in bubbles. Before I knew what was happening, he had taken a small pot and drenched me in water.

"DAMON!" I shrieked as he ran away from me.

He ran to the other side of the counter, but not before I splashed him back. Now it was my turn to run. I crawled under the table as he followed me. I giggled as he struggled to fit, grabbing the first thing that I saw and holding it behind my back.

As he cornered me between two countertops, he smirked. "So Liv, have anything to say for yourself?"

I smiled sweetly. "Sorry you're a dumbass." I reached up and dumped the bag of flour on his head.

This time, however, I couldn't run away from him. The flour and the water combined had made the floor a slippery mess. I fell down, still laughing as I saw Damon's hair and face covered in flour. He looked like a ghost.

"Do you surrender now Liv? I've got you cornered," He leaned down, smiling at me.

"Never!" I laughed looking up at him from the ground. I loved making him smile. It made me feel special because I knew he didn't just smile for anyone.

I stopped smiling as I noticed how close he got. My heart started pounding as his eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips. He was basically on top of me, leaving us in quite a compromising position.


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