Chapter 34

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"Real work?" I repeat, standing in protest, shuddering at the realization that I'm trapped. Trapped inside a bizarre nightmare surrounded by body snatchers and crazy old ladies who all seem pleased at my complete meltdown. "What are you even talking about?"

"Why, I'm talking about you." Ms. Morris says. "You, Mackenzie Temple, are one of the rarest of the Thyatirans." 

Snot drips from my nose as I wipe my wet face with my shirt sleeve. "Oh, man.  Please don't tell me you're in on this, too?  All I want to do is just go home."  

"I see you're taking this revelation much like I did when first learning of the provisions endowed upon me. It can be frightening, my dear." 

Ms. Eunice jumps to her feet. "Whoa. Wait—a—minute. Like you, Tabitha? How rare, indeed." She inspects me as if I were a new car on display. "Eyes to see, wisdom to discern, gifts to lead and serving between all realms? Why, Peter, you kept this secret very well guarded."

"We needed to be certain. But the assessments have concluded that she undeniably is who Tabitha says," he replies, not budging from his post. 

"Which explains your rapid progression, sweetheart,"  Ms. Morris adds. Her soothing tone has zero effect. I'm certain at this point that nothing can stop the inevitable. My head spins out of control. I can feel the proverbial wheels coming off. 

"Yes, yes. I see. Well then, we mustn't waste another moment.  It seems urgent that we join the others."  Ms. Eunice throws her arm out expectantly awaiting for me to loop my around hers.  

Carefully backing away, I shake my head in rebellion. "And be stuck in this Never Never Land, and possibly lost forever? No thank you. The way I see it, I have one option and one option only." I make a mad dash past Mr. Peter and practically plow over Ms. Morris.  When I reach the classroom door, it feels like weights dropping from my shoulders in anticipation of what may be on the other side.  "Sorry, but I'm just not cut out for your whole Thyatiran Shillelagh bit.  But good luck, people." 

As I reach for the handle, a spine-chilling voice hisses through the sea of people. "Hey, Shrewdy. I thought you said Sssspencer was the real deal. But this kid can't be any sssslower."

I freeze.

Another voice, coarse and eerily familiar, shouts back. "Yeah, yeah. Can't say I expected much from him, Calculous. He'd be swimming backwards if he were going any slower."

Spanning the crowd, I struggle to find his detestable face, aware of how impossible it is that Rob could be anywhere in the vicinity.  Behind bars waiting out his three year sentence was the last known address for my stepfather, but at this point, I'd be an idiot to rule out the impossible.

"Mackenzie? What is it?" Ms. Lois says, her concern is palpable.

Against every fiber of my being that wants to leave this place, I force myself to return to the table. "Did you just hear really loud voices? Like creepy loud?" I ask.

"Yes. I heard," says Ms. Morris. "But the others did not. They are not Thyatiran. For us, Invaders' voices are amplified considerably. It must be time. Please stay with us, Mackenzie. I don't know if Mr. Phillip's Shillelagh has arrived yet, but we could use your help."

"Losers can't paddle this far out, right Calculous?" says the coarse voice, cutting through noise stemming from the band and kids playfully yelling and splashing.

"I just heard them again," I gasp in desperation. 

Mr. Peter grabs his board. "What exactly did you hear, Mackenzie?"

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