Chapter 59

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Autophobia: the fear of being alone, unloved, ignored. I recall skimming over the list of symptoms, figuring Counselor Cassie might try to peg that one on me. After all, I was abandoned and orphaned. Confrontations from her about anything, let alone my aloneness, was the last thing I had time for. I don't fear it. I accept it. I deserve it.

So in every session, I always made extra sure she knew Abigail, Lindsey and I were airtight. Impenetrable. Nothing could ever shake our bond. I imagined every note she took about the awesomeness of our friendship was going straight to the judge reviewing our custody case, convincing him I'm perfectly stable. Turns out: I couldn't be more wrong--the signs of autophobia are rearing their ugly little heads inside mine. Fear of losing one's mind? Check. Feelings of numbness or tingling? Got it. Failure to think clearly? Yup. But what about this sudden loss of sight problem? Loss of appetite was on the list, but blindness? Nope.

Aunt Amy warned me the "breakup" was going to be rough, like ripping the scabs off my arms and legs kind of painful. I mean, sure, it feels like the little bit of solid ground I was standing on broke wide open and my best friends shoved me right off the ledge into a giant chasm and I'm drowning under a sea of lies and betrayal. But I've been through way worse. Seriously, Mackenzie? A full blown psychotic break?

"Oh, look! There she is, Tabitha!" I know that voice. "You were right. She must have taken a detour on her way here." It's Ms. Eunice.

Now crunching sounds are approaching. "Indeed. She started off a bit fitful on her way down." And that sounds like Rebecca.

My eyes aren't the only defunct body part. My arms, my legs, my mouth—all worthless. My brain can't move any one of them. I'm not alarmed though. These voices are comforting. It's the flash of cold sweeping up from my frozen feet that's not. Wait...My feet. That's right! I was just in my bed with blankets wrapped around my freezing cold toes. I'm guessing I'm not on Main Street anymore.

"Well, in her defense, the invitation did include an interesting manner of acceptance," Doctor Julia says. "I suspect it could have stirred her human form."

"Well, under the circumstances, her decision needed to be absolute. No confusion of her choice." That's Mr. Peter. "A sign to demonstrate she accepts responsibility and is clear of the risks."

Someone lightly huffs. "A Discerning Thyatiran? And her Ascension altered no less? I should think her intentions would need to be very clear." It's Ms. Lois. "It would have been far too dangerous to let her go on in such a way. And she was already quite familiar with the Targets she encountered, it seems."

"You are right, Lois," Mr. Peter says. "Tabitha, do you think she's already at risk of her identity exposed?"

A sigh is expelled. "It's possible. Although, when she was located with the first two Invaders, they both fled after Isabella used her Shillelagh to call for the others," Ms. Morris says. "I doubt they had a clue who they were dealing with."

My eyelids--I can blink them, but I cannot see. I'm starting to feel things, like my gut wrenching as they talk about how Isabella found me lost in those Invaders' trap. I can't believe how convincing they were. Even called me Macaroni. Who were they? Why didn't my special ability work on them?

"Phillip mentioned Isabella was concerned they were holding something over her, something that caused her great distress. Said she insisted one of them was her mother." Mr. Peter says.

"Hum," Rebecca says. "They probably are unaware she is Thyatiran. Until she's made her appeal to the Counselor, they may still pose a significant threat."

"Febronia believes Courtnee has demonstrated great understanding and will be a strong ally for her," Ms. Lois says.

"A strong soul indeed," Rebecca says. "It will be the times when her Shillelagh is apart for which we should have concern for Mackenzie."

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