Chapter 49

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I'm escorted into mouth of the glowing lights, a chain of airport hangers. Illuminating from the epicenter of the whole area is a massive metal building. The thudding from bass music reverberates against the aluminum walls. Goader rolls open a huge metal door and unveils the most grotesque scene.

Directly in front of us is a caged, octagon-shaped ring surrounded by a crowd of the unimaginable. Packing into bleachers are more beasts made up of the most random parts: legs of insects, arms of amphibians, torsos coated in fur. I do my best to act oblivious, not an easy task when two rows of jet black eyes glare down at me from a towering spider head sitting atop the body of a rooster. I keep my head down to avoid impulsive gasping.

Grizzle shoves his way through the masses; no one stands up to him. He stops abruptly, the enormity of his body blocks my view. "Asher," he says. His voice turns even more menacing.  "Payment for those wings are due."

"Yes, Dominance.  Oafish and I are very close, sir. Monger Egolara will soon have her an artist. We just need a little longer." I know this voice, but I don't dare look.

"You're lucky I like you. She is not as patient as I.  Get it done, Asher."  Grizzle spins back to me and places his leather palms on my shoulder.  "Now where were we, sweet Jenny?" he says, continuing to walk beside me until we reach the mouth of a grand stairway.

"Where's Pit? The ceremony needs to get started. Well, don't just stand there.  Find him!" Grizzle demands.

"With pleasure, your Dominance," replies Goader.

"Send a simple mind to a simple job and he can't even do that right!" He turns his attention to me, softening his tone.  "When Pit gets here, he'll help you to your seat. We have a real treat in store for you and the others.  In the meantime, Trigger will bring you upstairs to the Grand Hall. My V.I.P section is reserved only for my most special guests." He gestures for me to start up the stairway. I offer a gracious smile and proceed, hoping my trembling legs wont fail. He yanks Trigger back and says in a low voice as I climb, "Get the Intel on this one. Pit probably knows more about her, but he's taking his sweet time getting back. Something isn't right here."

By the time I get to the top, Trigger is already there, the perks of having six legs, I guess. Black chandeliers drop from the ceiling offering a hazy glow to the Grand Hall. The second story is also packed with not only these crossover creatures but with people, lots of people. They're peppered along the walls where shelves are stocked with all kinds of merchandise.

"Admiring the goods, I see." Trigger takes me to a display rack full of packaged electronics. He hands me one and insists I take it. "We can get you anything you want."

Staring at the broken flip phone like the one Ms. Sheffield uses, cracked screen and all, I put on the best fake impressed face I can muster. "Wow! So cool! Thanks!"

"Bet you've been wishing for one of those forever, eh? Come on. The buffet is this way."

A whiff of the odor from the clothing section we walk past is enough for me to pick up my pace. Vomit smell is not a good selling point, but that doesn't seem to stop a crowd of girls squealing over the sweaters they're pulling from one of the racks. Covered in stains and holes, the clothing is still appealing to them. I examine my flip phone. These things must be cloaked. Poor souls. They have no idea what a cesspool this place is. I'm beginning to think this Thyatiran thing isn't so bad. Not paying attention, I accidentally slam right into a crab clawed arm, letting out a slight scream in the process.

Attached to the arm is a beak-faced beast who snarls, "Get out of my way."

"I'm sorry," I say, catching my breath. Did I give myself away?

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