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Damon was behind the Grill sucking the life out of a brown headed girl, this was his third one already he knew he would have to stop but he can't stop.

"Damon leave the poor girl alone love."

Damon drops the girl hearing a thump from the barley breathing girl hitting the floor. He turns around seeing Klaus and Elijah there.

"Let me guess Bennot witch sent you?"

"Yes in fact she did but I do agree with her and do does Elijah."

"Yeah well agree all you want I'm not doing it I'm done feeling pain."

Damon turns around heading for the back door but before he could reach it he was pinned against the wall. He tries to struggle out but between him and the hybrid he knew who over powers who.

"Let me go!"

"Not until your feel again."

"Not gonna happen!"

"Then I'll make you."

Damon tried to turn his head away but it was held in place by Elijah looking straight at Klaus as his pupils go sharp like a cat's.

His mind was blank as it took in the command, once Klaus was done his eyes go back to normal and the pain comes flooding back to him.


Klaus and Elijah watch as Damon's eyes get teary he tried to push pass them but they wouldn't let him go so he gave it up and slid down the wall.

"Damon love what's wrong?"

Damon shakes his head trying not to cry. He hoped that they would just go away but instead they sit down next to him Klaus on his left and Elijah on his right.

"Well then can you tell us what the witch meant?"

That seemed to catch Damon's attention he furrows his eyebrows in confusion he turned his head to face Klaus.

"What are you talking about?"

"What the witch said about you not feeling hatred tours me nor Elijah, mind telling us what that is?"

Damon went red in the face his face shocked thank God this time they didn't stop him when he took off.

"Well brother we should go back to check on Rebekah make sure she didn't break the rules."

Elijah nods as both get up heading back to the boarding house.

☆At Boarding House☆

"Rebekah we have a truce here remember?"

Klaus says as him and Elijah come in to find Rebekah about to rip Elena's throat out.

"Well she staked me in the back!"

"Did she now?"

Rebekah and Elijah followed as Elena was in the grasp of Elijah, Klaus made his way to the library seeing Stefan there.

"Can I help you Klaus?"

"Yes Stefan you can, I just heard that little Elena had decided staked my sister in the back."

"Klaus I'm sure she didn't mean it-"

"Oh no she did and I do believe she went against the truce Stefan."

"Klaus pl-"

"Sorry Stefan but Elena messed up she broke the truce so until we find a way to make it even Elena here will no longer be staying by your side."

Elena looks terrified as Rebekah and Elijah zoomed off with her to the car. Klaus stood there smirking seeing panic in Stefans eyes.

"Good day to you Stefan, I must go we have a lot prepared for Elena."

Klaus turns around walking out the house going over to a kicking and screaming Elena.

"Klaus please don't I'm sorry!"

"Should have thought about that before you tried to kill my sister."

He feeds her blood before snapping her neck taking the limp body putting it in trunk because there's three of them and we're not gonna make Rebekah sit next to a dead/alive body.

Once they got to their house Klaus takes the unconscious body going to one of their cells instead of being careful he just drops her.

"What she doesn't mean anything to me"

Rebekah went to her room, Elijah was reading on the couch, and Klaus went to his room as he starts to paint he says outloud.

"Now to play the waiting game."


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