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"Why is he puking so much?"

"I don't know when we woke him up he was fine until he actually got out of bed."

"I'm fineeee."

"Damon your not fine you've been hutch over the toilet for a good solid hour!"

"You don't know that."

"*sigh* Bonnie is there anything you can do?"

"I'll see but he needs rest Klaus, Elijah can ya'll take him upstairs to bed please?"

Klaus and Elijah nod as Klaus picks Damon up while Elijah followed behind. When they got to the room Damon was put easily into bed as Elijah and Klaus sat next to him.

"You ok love?"

"I feel fine besides being dizzy but it's only in the morning when I feel that way, also you really need to change out of the blood covered outfit."

Klaus laughs looking down at his clothes before at Damon again.

"I suppose so, may I burrow some of your clothes?"


"Good because I was going to anyway."

Klaus winks as Damon laughs watching Klaus get up and go to his drawer and open it grabbing a black shirt and puts it on leaving his hold one behind.

"Sorry to interupt ya'll but I need to talk to Damon alone."

Damon nods letting them know it was ok to leave whcih they did leaving Bonnie and Damon alone.

"Damon I think I found out whats wrong."


"It may sound crazy but I think your....pregnant."

Damon laughs but stops when he sees Bonnie wasn't laughing.

"Your serious? No way! I'm a male and a vampire, we don't get pregnant!"

"And thats what I thought but then I realize you and Elijah are the mates of Klaus, and even though ya'll are males and your a vampire and he's an original anyone of ya'll can be pregnant with Klaus baby or any of ya'll baby."

"How though?"

"Ya'll are mates...and he's also an hybrid."

Damon was in shock half of him was happy but half of him was scared, what if he fucks this up? What if his kid doesn't like the thought of having three damn dads.

"I know what your thinking and it's going to be ok."

"Is it like a normal thing?"

"Pregnacy? For you since your a vampire it's faster so no you don't have to go the full nine months."

"Thank god!"

Bonnie smacks his arm getting a laugh in return.

"Don't worry Damon once I talk to Klaus and them-"

"I know it's stupid but don't let it be a surprise, but first how long is the pregnacy?"

"It's only a week long surprise and speaking of surprise are you sure?"

"Yeah I am."


$1 Week Later$

"Let me help him!"

"No Elena! I need you and everybody else to stay out here just me I promise Damon will be ok!"

Bonnie shuts the doors and uses magic to help her.

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