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Damon walks into the Boarding House closing the door seeing Alaric sitting there he stands there, Alaric on the couch reading books and drinking his liquor.

"You owe me more booze."

"And you owe me a trip to the grill."

"Ok just how much have you had?"

"Eeeeehhhhh not that much....."


"Alright alright only like two bottles...or three.....or four."

"Yeah your staying here."

"Damon I'm fine promise you."

"Promise me? Walk from there to me without any struggles."

He watches Alaric flip the book over and get up grabbing his phone and putting it in his pocket before he starts to walk. He actually does a good job besides a tiny wobble or balance thing he stops in front of Damon with his arms out to his side.


"Fine! Just be careful."

Alaric pats him on the back walking towards the door saying at the same time.

"Yes mooommmm."

"Shut it!"

Alaric chuckles before closing the door heading to his car Damon listens to make sure everything goes ok and when he heard his phone go off he jumps.

'Wait my phone? I broke it.'

Damon goes over to the ringing phone and sees that it days Alaric on it he picks it up and answers it.

"Oh good it works! Like your new phone?"

"You got me a new phone why?"

"Well since your other one got smashed to oblivion I got you this one."

"Huh well thanks Ric."

"No problem Buddy have a good night."

"Yeah you too."

Damon hangs up looking at the phone before putting it in his pocket heading up the stairs and to bed.

■Next Morning■

Damon gets up from the sun in his face listening he hears nobody else up but then also wonder 'when did Stefan get home? Is he even home?' He shakes his head getting up going downstairs.

He cleans up the books and booze that Alaric drunk throwing the bottles away and putting the books back were they belong. He hear his phone buzzing grabbing it he awnser.


"Hey Damon we're at the Grill and Stefan said to tell you to come down here."


"I don't know Elena had the idea of us taking a break."

"First off we never take breaks because if we do something bad happens, second of when you mean by us you mean Elena, Stefan, You, Caroline, Tyler, Bonnie, but Matt and Jeremy are working right?"

"How did you-"

"Come on Ric I'm a 145-year-old vampire I think I know how to tell if someone I know is there by heart or by voice."

"Come on Damon you don't have to come because of them but of me I'm your drinking buddy and you owe me remember?"

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