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Elijah was frozen he had no idea what to do I mean this was his younger brother, and especially when Klaus is breathing down his neck.

Elijah felt Klaus hands running up and down his side, he was confused on how this happened not even two minutes ago Niklaus was angry.

"Niklaus wh-what are you doing?"

Klaus chuckles his head comes up looking right into his brothers eyes seeing shock, confusion, and something else he just couldn't place his finger on it.

He saw Klaus leaning in he could of tried to move Niklaus and besides Niklaus may be stronger but he's smarter.

He didn't do anything and now Niklaus his younger brother the person he looks after just like his sister was kissing him......and he was kissing back.

His hands were being pinned by his head, the kiss deepening he could feel two things 1.) Klaus biting his lip and 2.) The hard on that was poking against his inner thigh.

Then just like that Niklaus pulls away and fled leaving a stun and confused Elijah. He fix his hair from when some had fallen also fixing himself up walking out of the room going to the airport, because he knew exactly where Niklaus was.

□At The Boarding House□

"Damon what was that?!"

"Elena please stop yelling at him."

"No Bonnie I'm not going to stop! He tried to kill you Damon and when Bonnie was stopping him you turned against us and begged her to stop! Why would you do that!?"

"He didn't-"

"No she's right I did. I turned against y'all I protected our enemy the person we're trying to kill, I didn't want to help him but it was like when Stefan was little when he was in trouble or hurt I would rush to him and try to calm him down. I felt that same emotion as I would with Stefan when he was hurt even if it was just a scratch."

"And what would that be?"

"Panic, fear, adrenaline anything that describes the words going through my head "I have to protect him." I couldn't help it."

"Yes you could you just didn't want to."

"Fine Elena tell me this! If you were me and Klaus was Jeremy, if you saw right in front of you Jeremy in pain what would you do? Better yet if he was in pain and all you hear was screams echoing through your head and the only emotion you feel is panic then tell me what would you do?!"

"I...I would help him."


Bourbon Street, New Orleans.....

"He's doing what he does given a chance of happiness Klaus runs in the opposite direction."

"Then let him run that bond is better off without him, you and Damon fine but if Niklaus doesn't want to accept it fine then let him run."

"It's not better off without him Rebekah and neither are we."

"Darling kind caring Elijah our brother rarely brings us anything but pain, at what point in your immortal life will you stop searching for his redemption?"

"I'll stop searching for his redemption when I believe there is none left to be found."

Both phones click as Elijah walks down the street going to where Klaus or where he does believe Klaus is....while something is happening back at home.


"Your out of the tomb?"


"I'll give you a play-by-play but you have the air of someone who has been lurking around and listening."

"He'll come around you know Elijah he won't stop until he convinced Klaus to do the right thing."

"I know you consider yourself a expert in brotherly dynamics but you don't know my brother's as half as well as you think you do."

"Your wrong Klaus won't be able to walk away from this he and I are the same we manipulate, we thirst for power, we control, we punish. But our actions are driven by one singular place deep inside."

"And what's that?"

"We're alone and we hate it......tell Elijah to call me when he comes home I'll be waiting for him."

Klaus was on a balcony in the dark looking down onto the streets seeing bright lights, hearing jazz music blaring through the town, people dancing having fun.

"Hello Elijah."


"Come to lecture me about giving into the bond?"

"Niklaus you cannot fight it you have fought many things but this is never going to go away, and the more you try to fight it the more it gets worst."

Elijah sighs following Klaus down to the street and away from the crowd.

"Niklaus have you seen how this has effected you! The more you fight it the more it gets stronger and the more you cannot control it. Look what had happen with Damon he helped you because he could not take it anymore."

"Elijah I don't care if I have to fight it to the end of my time but I will never give into this."

"Then what happens when you can not fight it no longer."

"Then I will get rid of it myself."

"That means you would have to take out me and Damon and I will not let you do such a thing like that."

"Elijah I'm warning-"

Klaus snaps at Elijah but it was cut off when he got pushed against the wall Elijah pointing his finger at him saying.

"I'm warning YOU."

There was silent as both didn't say a word Klaus was surprised. Out of all of them Elijah was the mature one, the one who didn't lose his cool, the one who hid his emotions so he could take care of the family.

"Niklaus you will accept this because  I will not spend another night being in pain or seeing Damon in pain do you understand."


"I am serious Niklaus if you try anything like that I will take matters into my own hands."

Staring at Klaus for a little bit more making sure Klaus knows that he's in control right now, before backing up walking away into the night on the streets of New Orleans.

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