CH 3 - Pleased To Meet You

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       You soaked in your bathtub. A million mixed emotions filling your heart and mind. Hisoka had popped back into your life. You knew he would, but part of you was still surprised that he actually bothered to. You were happy to see him, yet you still felt sick to the pit of your stomach. Hisoka was like the grim reaper: he always came bearing some bad news. You two hadn't spoken for a couple of years after your fight at Heaven's Arena. And he made no effort to contact you, so you had a feeling he didn't come back around out of the kindness of his heart.

       You laid back and reminisced about how you met Hisoka. It was during his first hunter exam before his infamous disqualification. It was your first exam as well. At that time you were 18 and already a trained and decent fighter. You decided to take the Hunter exam for the hell of it, figuring the perks were worth the risk.

       You still remembered the very first time you saw him. You couldn't help but notice him. He was tall, pale AF, and dressed like a clown. Aka, hard to miss. But there was something else about him that just drew you in. A lot of people knew who he was and didn't mind gossiping about him when you asked. Most of them found him menacing and dangerous right off the bat so they advised you to stay away. But you found his confidence and strength more intriguing than frightening. You wanted to know more. 

       The second section of that exam, after the initial phase to weed out weaklings, was set on a large jungle island. Your task was to survive on the island with no food, water, shelter, or assistance given to you. You also had to travel to the center of the island where the finishing point was. Growing up homeless and orphaned, you spent a good part of your childhood in the wilderness before you were adopted by a loving family. Although it was a sad part of your past, you still loved nature as it reminded you of your own strength and will to survive. 

You found a good path and began your journey on day one. While walking through the dense jungle you spotted Hisoka crouched next to a bush, examining the berries.

"Hey! Don't eat that!" You yelled out without thinking.

What the hell, why did I do that?!

He turned to you curiously.



Figuring it was too late to run away now, you walked over to him. 

"Um...Those berries. They're poisonous. If you eat them you'll start losing all your motor functions within a day. Then you'll likely die."

You crouched down beside him. He was bigger, stronger, and more intimidating than you noticed originally. You were so close, you could feel his power literally radiating around his body. He smelled really nice also, a floral cologne that seemed to fit him perfectly.... You dragged your attention back to the bush and continued.  

"The leaves are medicinal. They have analgesic properties." You began to pick some & put them in your satchel. You looked over to him, and he was smiling. He looked thoroughly amused.


"~How perplexing you are.♥~"

You blinked, confused and surprised, not knowing what to say.

"~(Y/N), correct?~"


How does he know my name?!

"~And you know who I am?~"


"~Amorou. In the flesh. Thank you for warning me about the berries, although I was already aware.~"

You silently kicked yourself.

How embarrassingggggg

He continued:

"~A few of these berries are strong enough to paralyze something or someone, if need be. But I let you continue your lecture. I find it adorable that you actually intended me.♥~" He rested his chin in his palm while smiling brightly at you.

This is the deranged psychopath everyone keeps talking about? No way. He's so sweet!

You stood up, "Yeah well. You've never done anything to me so I saw no point in letting you accidentally kill yourself. We aren't enemies." You shrugged and smiled back.

       It was pretty hot in this jungle so you stripped down to biker shorts and a sports bra earlier. Your katana slung across your back. To be honest you were more comfortable with less clothing on but your shapely figure usually drew unwanted attention. Your hair was also too hot on your neck so you tied it up into a high messy bun.

He slowly eyed you up & down then met your gaze with a smile. You suddenly remembered how exposed your body was right now.

"~Indeed. Why not be...friendly  with one another? ♥~"

       You felt tense. Not afraid or uncomfortable but...there was a heavy tension in the air that you couldn't quite put your finger on. You were trying to read Hisoka but failing miserably. It felt like Hisoka was also trying to read you, and his smirk seemed to confirmed success. It occurred to you that this was probably a dangerous idea. No, it was definitely dangerous. You decided to exit the conversation.

"Well. It was nice meeting you Hisoka Amorou."

"~The pleasure was all mine, (Y/N).♥~"

       He reached out his hand and you took it expecting a handshake. Instead he only grasped your fingers, and you watched helplessly as he lightly kissed the back of your hand. Your heart skipped. You never noticed just how handsome he actually was... his lips were so naturally pouty and almost perfectly shaped... and then you realized the nature of the tension you were feeling a minute ago.

(Y/N)! Leave! Now!

You took your hand back, listening to your brain and briskly but calmly walked away. You could feel his eyes burning a hole through your back. And then suddenly the feeling was gone. You looked back, but he was nowhere in sight. 

The Magician x The Empress (HisokaxReader)Where stories live. Discover now