CH 9 - Gifts

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     You came back to reality, finishing the story of Hisoka's last words to you. The words that broke your heart and caused you to avoid him like the plague for two years. The words that sent you spiraling into isolation, questioning your strength and skills. 

     You didn't realize it but Hisoka was your motivation for training, for wanting to be the best. After meeting him at that hunter exam you wanted to beat him, make him respect you the way you respected him. But after Heaven's Arena you felt like Hisoka would never respect you, or care for you the way you cared for him.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N). I can hear how heartbreaking that was for you."

"Don't feel sorry for me, it was my fault. I don't know what I was thinking. There's no way someone like Hisoka could ever...."

You stopped yourself as you felt tears beginning to sting your eyes. You inhaled and continued:

"It's better this way....I have a real reason to kill him now. I have to. Or he'll kill me for real this time....he's not waiting for me to ripen anymore so..."

Melody looked at you sincerely, not knowing what to say. There was nothing she could say really, and you sensed that.

"Thank you Melody. For everything. If you don't hear from me again, you know what happened. Thank you for being such an amazing friend. I don't have many...." You smiled as a single tear rolled down your face.


       But before she could finish you were gone. You hated goodbyes and you refused to waste time and energy crying over something that couldn't be changed. Even if she was basically your best friend. There was just no point in sitting around and being sad. You had to focus on trying to survive Hisoka. 

         You spent the remainder of the week training. You barely slept or ate. You had no desire to. You sprinted through the wooded areas around your house with a weighted vest. You spent hours meditating in silence. Honing your ears & awareness. You played hours of chess at the local chess club for mental exercise. You hunted local deers and bears, without killing them, of course. You practiced with your katana. You kicked with weights on your ankles. You punched with weights in your hands. And you maintained ten and ren for hours straight. 

Before you knew it, it was time.


Today was the last day before the fight. You decided to rest and lay around, figuring that if you didn't train hard enough all week then one day wouldn't make a difference. 

You walked out the shower, drying your hair and wrapping a towel around yourself. You stepped out of the bathroom and froze, smelling Hisoka's floral scent for a quick second. You'd recognize it anywhere. And then it was gone. You walked into your bedroom and saw a black box wrapped with a red ribbon on your bed.

Yep. He was here.

       You opened the box and removed the tissue paper. A neatly folded beautiful black lingerie set laid before you. You picked it up and examined it. A lace brassiere with a heart cut out in the middle. The lace panties were in a hipster style and had the same heart cut out in the back. and matching garter belt and straps. You blushed.

I know he doesn't expect me to wear this for him.... 

He included a dress also. A simple black evening gown with a deep V cut and a long slit up the left side. You decided to check the tags out of curiosity, smiling at the recognizable luxury designer name.

So Hisoka is into designer fashion, interesting. 

In the box was a card with his handwriting. It was a beautiful and neat cursive with hearts where the dot on the i should be.

Dear (Y/N),

Join me tonight for dinner. I've made reservations for 9pm. I took the liberty of picking you out an outfit. Hope you like it.


You tried on the lingerie then put the dress on over it. Your hair complemented the deep v cut of the dress. Your legs looked amazingly sexy through the cut on the side. The dress hugged every curve of your body, accentuating every point. You were impressed. The dress made you feel amazingly sexy. You glanced at the clock.

Guess I should start my hair and make up. 

The Magician x The Empress (HisokaxReader)Where stories live. Discover now