CH 11 - Surrender

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       He took your hand and helped you out of the car. Without a word you walked past him and up to your door, unlocking it and placing your heels and purse just inside the threshold. You grabbed your katana and walked out barefoot onto the grass, your aura drawing in the energy of the plant life around you. You allowed your bloodlust to leak, showing your intent, as Hisoka leaned up against the car, feigning disinterest.

"It's 12 am and I don't accept you proposal Hisoka. Kill me, or I'll kill you."

"~Did you forget already (Y/N)? You are not fruit. I have no interest in fighting you.~"

You were confused but those words triggered you. The same feeling you felt at Heaven's Arena. Whatever love you had for Hisoka was intertwined with your hate for how he played with your emotions. How he treated you like an object. You couldn't take it any longer.

"What the fuck is your problem!? Why are you such an asshole!? I thought...."

He turned to look at you, one hand resting on his hip.

"~What did you think (Y/N)? That I loved you? Are you still obsessed with me after all these years? Poor thing.~" Hisoka smiled, seeing how his words caused you pain.

"You bastard...." You felt tears stinging your eyes again, but this time you couldn't hold them back. This time you wouldn't hold anything back.

"~I guess I'll entertain you but I have another date to catch, so let's make this quick...~" He smirked.

In a split second you unsheathed you sword and rushed towards him. Your speed had definitely improved because Hisoka barely dodged the overhead swing of your katana. But even with that, you sensed where he would move and threw a kick in that direction. It connected.

You jumped back, landing and watching him. Blood leaked from the corner of his lips. He wiped it off cooly and smirked.

"~You really did train.... Good girl.~"

"Shut your mouth and fight me."

"~Do you really think you can kill me (Y/N)?~"

"Watch me."

       You jumped up and from tree to tree, using your nen ability to bring them to life. As they did, they attacked Hisoka. Branches came raining down from the sky to pummel him. He dogged them, using his cards to cut the branches but more kept coming. While he was distracted you went in for the kill. This time you made sure your sword was at its blade edge. You jumped up, and as you dived through the branches and towards him you raised your katana high.

As you neared the target, you used in, concealing your presence.


Hisoka, sensing the absence of your energy, searched around for you but it was too late. When you reappeared you were right next to him.

With your feet planted firmly, you sliced your blade through the air and time seemed to slow down briefly. As your eyes followed your blade, you looked at where your katana had landed. 

Your eyes widened in dismay as Hisoka held your blade with his barehands, his palms bloodied. You continued looking at him and noticed he was smiling.

"~What's wrong (Y/N)? Go ahead. If you charge this with ko like last time, you'll get your wish.~"

You stared at him and realized, you hadn't put any ko into your blade to strengthen it. If you had, Hisoka's hand would be gone right now. Likely the entire limb. could I forget to....?

He gripped the blade harder and guided it to his neck.

"~There ...I made it even easier for you. Finish me.~"

You stood staring, unable to move.

"~I suppose you might be able to best me in combat with enough training... But, you could never bring yourself to actually kill me, can you? ~"

      Your hands began to shake as you gripped your katana even tighter. You wanted to push your sword through his neck. He deserved it, he was a lying murdering bastard who kept breaking your heart. You clenched your jaw, holding back more tears of frustration. As you stared into his eyes, you knew he could see you struggling with this realization. You felt like you were at war within. You should just kill him, for yourself, for the greater good of the world. But you couldn't. You just couldn't.


       You dropped your sword in a fit of rage. With lightening speed you threw likely a thousand kicks and punches towards Hisoka. Your face burned with frustration and tears, but you couldn't stop. You were so angry at him, but mostly at yourself. You had the chance to end this, and you had failed. Again. But this time, you would pay with your life.

       He dodged many of your blows, but many more connected. He didn't fight back, only moving to block as you punched, and kicked, and raged until all your energy was drained. After some time you dropped to your knees in the dirt, your clothing torn tattered and dirty. Your hair a mess and your make up streaked from crying. The grass around you shriveled and turned brown in a neat circle, no longer having aura left to support you or itself. You sobbed as you accepted defeat. Not only physically but emotionally and mentally. Hisoka had won, like he always did.

"....I...wanted to love you Hisoka.... In a world where everyone feared and hated you.... I..." You struggled, trying to get your words out through the tears.

"I thought we could ...understand each other ... as outcasts.... I thought.... We were friends ...but all you do is hurt me.... just... end it.. end this...." You sobbed, begging him to put you out of your misery as you drifted in and out of consciousness.

I must have used...too much aura....

The world around you went dark as your body slumped to the ground and you passed out from pure exhaustion.

Hisoka looked down at you with no clear expression on his face. He called out to you softly as you fainted.

"~(Y/N) ...~"

He bent down and cradled you, picking you up into his arms as he carried you inside.

~Maybe I went too far with her....~

The Magician x The Empress (HisokaxReader)Where stories live. Discover now