CH 12 - Honesty

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You awoke in your bathtub, which was filled with warm water and your favorite lavender soap. You had a headache and your muscles were sore but the water was soothing you. Then you remembered what had just happened.

I'm.. alive....?

The water in the shower was running so you looked across your bathroom. Through the frosted glass you could make out his pale silhouette. Suddenly the water stopped and you could hear him coming out of the shower. You looked away, refusing to face him.

"Why are you still here....? I failed. Just leave already."

Hisoka ignored you and grabbed a towel, briefly drying his hair before wrapping it around his lower half. He walked over to you, pulling the stool from your bathroom vanity and sitting it next to the tub. He sat down and looked at you with a soft smile.

"~I don't think I've ever given you enough credit for being able to arouse all sorts of emotions in me (Y/N). It's no small feat.... What you said at dinner concerning Chrollo & Illumi was quite irksome.... I wasn't able to control my anger and said things I didn't entirely mean. For that I apologize.~"

You looked up at Hisoka, the word "apologize" catching your ear. Hisoka? Apologize? You had to be dreaming... or maybe you really were dead.

"~In my haste to end dinner, I forgot to give you your last gift of the evening...~" Hisoka reached behind his back as he had done in your kitchen once before, and when he opened his hands in front of you, you couldn't believe your eyes.

In the middle of his palm sat a platinum ring. A large teardrop shaped diamond in the center of it, outlined with a halo of smaller red diamonds. Even in the dim light of your bathroom it shined brightly, taking your breath away. He picked the ring up from his hand and held it in front of you.

"~I had this ring custom made for you after our fight at Heaven's Arena. I came to the startling realization that I didn't desire to kill you. You had reached enough of your potential to give me a challenge. Ruining your plans to hit me with your ko infused katana was so orgasmic. But... when I looked at you, fully prepared to kill, I lost my....schwing.~"

You smiled as tears ran down your face. He continued.

"~When I said you were not fruit, I meant consuming you would never be worth losing you. You're so powerful, unpredictable, and obedient. It's possible that I'll never find an adequate replacement if I break you. I'll always have other toys but you are my most prized possession, (Y/N)."

You knew that what you just heard, in terms of Hisoka, was the equivalent of an "I love you". Probably the closest you'd ever get. 

"So why.... Why were you so mean to me?"

Hisoka smirked, "~Because it was fun. But besides that, I wasn't ready for you to know how I truly felt. I suppose I was being juvenile. But, I never meant for it to hurt you this much. Do you forgive me?~"

       You saw and heard a dimension of sincerity from Hisoka that was unprecedented. You felt no bloodlust, no ulterior motives, nothing. It reminded you of how you felt when you were able to watch Hisoka fight in the jungle during the hunter exam. And today was an even rarer occurrence: Hisoka was being honest with you. He was telling the truth. And considering feelings other than his own. You were overwhelmed with emotion.

"Yes... Hisoka. I forgive you."

Hisoka got off the stool and kneeled in front of the tub, taking your hand in his.

"~(Y/N), would you do me the honor of being my toy, my wife and the mother of my children?~"

Never in your wildest dreams would you ever think this would be happening. And yet it was a dream come true. 

"Yes Hisoka... I do..."

Hisoka slid the ring onto your finger and you marveled at how perfectly snug it fit. It truly was custom made. He caressed your face and gently pressed his lips into yours. Reaching into the tub he scooped you out of the water, taking you back into the shower with him.

He released you from his arms, letting you stand as he started the shower water. He took some of your favorite soap in his hands and rubbed it all over your body, moving carefully over your bruises and cuts. When he was done he kissed your lips again.

"~I'll leave the rest to you.... I'll be in the bedroom. I left you something on the sink."

Hisoka left the shower as you finished up, washing off your makeup, and quickly washing your hair.

As you dried off out of the shower you noticed the lingerie on the sink. You left it home, not seeing any point in wearing it to the dinner originally. Now you realized it was likely Hisokas plan to propose at dinner and then make it official right after. You smirked.

Can hardly wait huh Hisoka?

The Magician x The Empress (HisokaxReader)Where stories live. Discover now