CH 2 - Missed You

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 The magician walked from behind a tree, casually taking a seat on the tree he just cut in two. Crossing one leg over the other, his foot danced back and forth in the air while shuffling his deck. You tried to mentally prepare yourself for Hisoka's erratic behavior. But then you got distracted by him. He was taller and more toned than you remembered, wearing a white variation of his normal attire with pink and red accents. It must have been a year or two now since you last saw him and hee looked good. As always.

"~Always so impressive. You knew I was watching you, why didn't you call me out sooner?~"

"What for? It's not like you're a threat..." you replied with a smirk as you stood up.

Of course you didn't mean any of that. He was definitely a threat. But you could tell Hisoka wasn't here to fight this time. If he was, you'd likely be dead already. You also just couldn't help yourself from toying with him.

"~Hm? I'd love to test that theory...~" he smirked lustfully

"Why are you here Hisoka? What do you want?" you asked, trying to get straight to the point before you said more than you wanted to.

"~Oh that's no way to greet an old friend, is it? ♥~"

You rolled your eyes...

"Maybe I should try to decapitate you then? Would that be more friendly?"

He traced a finger around the edge of one of his cards while eyeing you curiously. 

"~I was just teasing you...testing your abilities....I've missed you, (Y/N)...♥~"

You sighed. You missed him too but you didn't miss this feeling. You could sense that Hisoka had ulterior motives and you lacked your usual patience when dealing with him. Or maybe you were just being passive aggressive. You never really got over the last encounter the two of you had. 

"If you're not going to tell me why you're here, I don't see the point in holding this conversation....I have nothing to say to you."

"~Very well then ...~"

He began to get up and walk away. With his back turned, he flicked his finger and in an instant his card flew out of your hand. Thinking quickly you used your nen, manipulating the grass around you to wrap up and grab the card, stopping his bungee gum midair. He looked back at the card with interest. Then at you with amusement.

"~What's this...~?"

"You can leave. But I'm keeping the card." You weren't sure why, but him taking the card back made you angry. Now, without thinking, you had provoked him.

Great job, (Y/N). There's no way you can beat Hisoka in a fight right now....

He turned around to face you and you felt it again. That deep and dark aura of his. That bloodlust. Your palms began to sweat as his amber eyes stared directly into yours. His tongue quickly ran across his lips as they curled up into a smile. 

"~Oh (Y/N)...if you don't behave ...I won't be able to control myself~♥"

You stared him down, almost daring him. Your brain was telling you not to provoke him further, but it was like you couldn't help yourself. You refused to let him put any fear into your heart. He didn't deserve the satisfaction.

"Like I said earlier Hisoka, you're no threat t-."

 Before you could even finish speaking, Hisoka was behind you. With a card to your neck he grabbed you roughly under your chin, lifting it up so much you were almost completely off the ground. His chest pressed right up against your shoulder blades. The warmth of his body against yours made you more nervous than the prospect of having your jugular sliced.  You were all too familiar with his speed and power. But seeing it in person always got you excited. You bit the inside of your lip trying to contain a smile.

This is what I was trying to avoid! I'm such an idiot!

"~Are you sure about that (Y/N)? It seems the quiet life has softened you...~" He cooed into your ear, digging the card a little deeper.

"Maybe I just wanted you to hold me like this one last time...before I kill you....."

Hisoka chuckled lightly.

"~Mmm. You're still so fierce, even in this vulnerable position. How enticing.~"

He moaned in that way he does when fantasizing about fighting someone powerful. You felt him gently press his pelvis up against your ass, and your heart fluttered. You instinctively pressed back into him, grinding your hips slightly. A smile slowly spread across his face.

"~Still obedient I see... I'll gift you the card then. On one condition.~"

He released you from his grip, setting you down then turning you around to face him. You looked up at him with a reddened face from your lack of self control.

"What is it...?"

He teased your neck with his finger tips, touching you gently before wrapping his fingers around your throat and pulling your face close to his. He slowly brushed his lips against yours, staring into your eyes and watching your reaction as he began to squeeze your windpipe. You moaned lightly, still not being able to resist the excitement that always came when Hisoka played with you like this. He suddenly let go, and you could see the satisfaction in his eyes.

"~I'll come back tomorrow. I think I've left you with enough to....reminisce about.♥~"

He handed the card back to you and walked off into the forest as you stood in silence. You rubbed the soreness around your neck, and pocketed the card before turning to the tree he had sliced in two. You used your aura to bring it under your control, then re-attached the two pieces, hoping it would survive being cut down.

I hate him so fucking much. 

The Magician x The Empress (HisokaxReader)Where stories live. Discover now