Chapter 27

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Aurora POV

Over the next couple of weeks, pack life started to normalize. Xander kept the patrols doubled on the border, but we were no longer on high alert. Iris hasn't been seen or heard from since her failed attack, and Xander had put spies into rogue territory.

When Iris is ready to use the rogues for an attack, we'll be ready.

Walking down the pack hospital hallway, I looked over to Ivy who was following behind me, "Amara's grandmother was an empath. She was close to her before she died," I tell her, "She might be able to remember how she was able to use her gift."

Coming up to the door, I knocked softly before immediately opening it.

"Oh my god!" I scream out before slamming the door shut

(Describe walking in on Amara and Asher)

I heard cursing on the other side of the door and then a thump. More shuffling sounded through the door before it opened to reveal a disheveled Asher.

Ivy and I both tried to stifle our laughter at Asher's ruffled appearance and the blush covering his face.

"Ladies," Asher nods towards us, trying not to look us in the eye.

"Asher," I laughed, "Having a good day?"

"I was, Luna," he answers, a slight pout on his lips.

Ivy laughs again as I hold it back as much as I can, "Don't worry, Asher. I'm sure you're luck will turn around."

He glares at me for the joke before excusing himself. Ivy and I continue laughing before I knock on Amara's door again.

I wait to hear her say to come in before opening the door, "So now you wait," she blushes as we enter the room.

"Sorry," I laugh as she tries to cover her blush at having us walk in on her and Asher, "I would have waited to see you, but it was important we talk when I knew the guys wouldn't be listening in."

She scrunched her eyebrows together in confusion as she sat up straighter on the hospital bed. Pulling up one of the chairs, I motioned Ivy to sit in the other one on the opposite side of Amara.

"What's going on, Aurora?"

"What do you remember about your grandma Josephine?" I ask her.

"Grandma Josie? I mean I was eleven when she died, so not much. The thing I remember the most about her was that she was completely insane."

"Insane?" Ivy spoke softly. I could see a small amount of fear in her eyes as she contemplated Amara's words.

"She would talk to herself constantly. She heard voices," Amara describes to us, "Eventually, the voices just drove her crazy."

"Were the voices apart of her gift?" I ask her.

"Gift? You mean because she was an empath?"

"Yeah," I nod slightly towards Ivy, silently telling Amara exactly what I wanted to know. Her eyes widened for a second as the dots connected in her mind.

"I honestly don't know," she says before turning to Ivy, "You're an empath, right?"

Ivy nods her head slightly, "Yes. I've been able to hold my powers back, but I've never been very good at control. Aurora is trying to help with that."

"Why all the secrecy though? Don't the boys know?"

"Besides for you two, only my mate knows. I didn't want people to be afraid of me," Ivy says quietly, "And I wasn't going to make Hayden choose between me and the pack. I couldn't do that to him."

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