Chapter Three: When the Gazelle Stretches Her Legs

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It was Sunday. I was on hour twenty-two without seeing Matteo and still his words about his age sent a highly pleasant yet un-welcomed tingled straight down my spine. After I'd walked off in prayer we walked back to the car. He'd been thoughtful enough to stop and get me food before he dropped me off back at home which was an experience all in itself.

We'd just gotten food and we're in route to my house. I couldn't lie: I was kind of sad. Today was so fun, and I genuinely enjoyed him and his company. I didn't want him to go but he had to. Besides, who was I to ask him to post-pone his obligations to sit around with boring old me?

"What are you over there thinking about?" He asked snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked over and saw him looking at me as we waited at the stop light. I sent him a small grin as I shook my head.

"Nothing. Besides, how do you know I was thinking about anything?" I asked smartly, and he just gave me a knowing look that made me laugh. One thing I'd come to observe today was how different he was with me. When he walked into the office the first day I met him he was intimidating and cold. That didn't go to say that he still wasn't to everybody else. It was unquestionable to acknowledge, however, that with me he was lighter. Although he was still pretty stern he was much more open to my curiosity. He was making it hard for me to stay away and be a bitch with the worlds tallest wall. He made me want to open up to him and that alone had a scared part of my heart running for the hills.

No one should make you feel Wanted so fast, right?

Suddenly, I felt a pinch on my thigh and I yelped while I rubbed the spot and turned to glare at Matteo. I pinched him back and he let out a chuckle. How dare he! We pulled up to another stop light and I turned and popped him in his pretty raven hair covered head. At that he let out a sound of discomfort and I smiled in triumph.

"Has anybody ever told you you hit like a man? Watch it, woman. Now elaborate on what made you ignore me without spacing out this time please," He said glairing at me. I rolled my eyes at him before I spoke.

"Oh Please. Like I actually hurt you," I said dryly, "But nothing really. You're just different, and that is all that I'm saying," I said before I zipped my lips, rolled down the window, and threw the key out of it. He let out a loud laugh that had him hunched over the steering wheel.

"Childish, but somehow you're still so cute,"He said as he turned on the street I lived on. I made a face offended. I was not cute. Cute was for babies. I would ruin this man's life.

"Um, sir, I am not cute. You, you're cute. I, Kashera Daniels, am sexy as all hell. Have you seen me?" I said. By this point we were pulling into my driveway, and I'd discarded my seatbelt. I turned in my seat to face him with my arm propped around the head of the seat. As soon as he put the car in park and unbuckled his own seat belt he turned to me slowly and hit me with a look that had me feeling a highly particular hum in my body. He didn't utter a single word as his eyes roamed me shamelessly.

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