Chapter Twenty-Nine: When the Lion and Lioness Find a Field to Breath Alone

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I kept my eyes closed as we rode along the badly paved asphalt of the expressway. I was curled as deeply as I could manage into Matteo in the backseat of the car. I sat straddled in his lap, knees tucked beside him as my arms wrapped around his shoulders, and my head tucked into the side of his neck. His right arm wrapped around my waist firmly, while his left hand cradled the base of my neck. His fingers were spread into my hair massaging absently as his head rested atop my own. Everything was silent outside of the sound of the tires against the pavement and our breathing, and I was in a momentary bliss.

It was around seven-thirty in the evening. The suns rays fought to keep their opulence in the fading orange and purple tinged sky, and I was tired as I fought like them to stay awake. I wanted nothing more than to lie down and rest in the one sole comfort that came from the turmoil of today.

After the paramedics came to the scene and cleared us, I was whisked away to the Leone's sanctioned doctor who handled the bulk of the family's care. They checked to make sure nothing was wrong with me outside of my shaken demeanor. Once that was done I was able to clean up fully at the compound from head to toe. It seemed as though it took hours to rid myself of his blood, but in reality it only took about one. I soothed my body with skin oils, moisturized my damp curls, and changed into a comfortable t-shirt dress. By the time I was done, I'd finally coaxed myself into breathing without feeling the vibrations of the gunshot trickle underneath my skin.

Once I was done with everything I came out to Matteo whose mere presence in our room had simultaneously caught me off guard because I wasn't used to it, but also soothed me. He took my hand without a word and guided us outside of the recently quieted house and into the car. I didn't know where we were going, but I didn't care. The moment we got into the backseat I wrapped myself around him as I sat now, and he easily accepted my closeness.

Eventually, the car slowed and maneuvered through traffic before it came to a stop. I could hear the sounds of planes taking off and flying closely overhead making me lift from my human cocoon. Looking out of the window I saw that not only were we on the strip, but we were waiting in front of an elaborate jet. With an eyebrow raised I turned to Matteo who was awaiting my reaction.

"What are you up to, Leone?" I asked lightly as the corners of my lips twitched with the desire to smile at his antics. He'd just became a free man not even ten hours ago and already he was moving things around under my nose.

"Well, I think we both need to get away for a while. I get to see daylight without molded concrete walls, and I would love for you to not even think about your office for as long as I can manage to keep you away," He said making me scoff playfully.

"So we're just going to go God knows where without telling anybody? I didn't even get to say so much as a see you later to anybody, or pack a bag, or the biggest thing agree to being trapped with you for God knows how long," I listed off as I counted each problem on my fingers. I couldn't help the smile on my face as he gave me a bored look.

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