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When we get back to the leaky cauldron Nico thanks Hagrid for his help and begins heading towards his room but Hagrid insists on making sure he gets settled. When we get to Nico's room his cat jumps of his shoulder and begins exploring the room. Nico dumps all his school supplies into a large trunk at the foot of his bed. Then takes off his bomber jacket and hangs it on the back of his chair. He turns to me and Hagrid. All right. I'm all settled. I think you guys can go now. Thanks again for your help.

On the trade ride back to little Whinging. Hagrid and I don't speak much.  Finally i break the silence. "Hagrid?" I ask. "Do you think that Nico kid seems...Creepy?" Hagrid shrugs. "Maybe. But he has every right to be creepy if he wants." I open my mouth to say something else but end up just laughing. Hagrid frowns at me. "What?" He asks. "Nothing, that's just a weird thing for someone to say." "Oh. I guess I see what you mean", Hagrid replies. "Anyway we better get you back to the Dursley's." He drops me off and hands me my ticket. Now I just have to wait a week until the train leaves.

Platform 9 3/4? That cant be right. I look at the tracks. To my right is platform 9. To my left is platform 10. In between is a stone pillar. There is very clearly no platform 9 3/4. Then I see a red headed family approach and two of them, twins apparently, run right through the pillar. I go up to them and ask how to get to the platform and they tell me to follow the youngest boy, Ron, through the pillar. Suddenly I'm on a platform in front of a scarlet steam engine. I barely made it to the train in time so most of the compartment are already full. But way at the back i find one whose only occupant is none other than Nico Di Angelo, sitting in the corner and reading a newspaper. I slide open the door. "Mind if i sit here?" He lowers his paper. "Sure. Harvey right?" "Uhm. It's Harry actually." "Oh." He lifts his paper up again. A knock at the door and I look over to see the red headed boy from before. "Do you two mind if I sit here ? Everywhere else is full." Nico lowers his paper again but doesn't say anything. Then goes right back to reading. "Not at all", I respond and gesture towards the seat across from me. The boy sits down. "I'm Ronald Weasley." He announce. "Harry Potter." His face goes white. "So it is true. Do you really have the scar." I lift up my bangs to show him. "Bloody brilliant" he whispers. Then he turns expectantly towards Nico. When Nico doesn't introduce himself Ron frowns. "This is Nico, he went shopping with me and Hagrid in diagon alley." "Not very sociable is he?" Ron asks. "Not really", I respond. Nico turns his page. Then a girl with bushy brown hair barges into the compartment without knocking. "Have either of you seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one." "No we haven't", I  say. The girl sits down next to Ron. "I'm Hermione. Hermione Granger." "Ron Weasley", Ron says. "Harry Potter". Hermione then looks to Nico, who again doesn't introduce himself. I'm about to introduce him when Hermione expression turns from expectant to curious. "What language is that?" "Huh?" Ron and I say in unison, we both look at Nico's news paper. Sure enough its written in foreign characters. "Bloody Hell!" Ron declares. "How did I not notice that?" Hermione rolls her eyes. "Because obviously your head is full of bits of fluff." She turns back to Nico. "So, what language is it?" Nico lowers the paper, obviously annoyed by the multiple disturbances. "It's Greek." "Why are you reading a Greek newspaper?" Hermione, who apparently has no perception of other peoples moods, asks? "Because that's what language its written in." Nico responds . This time Hermione picks up on his irritation and begins conversing with me and Ron.

When we get off the train I see Hagrid Holding a lantern and yelling for the first years to come to him. The four of us walk over and Hagrid recognizes me and Nico immediately. "Hey You two. See you found the train alright." I frown. "Barely. You could have told me how to get to the platform." My voice came out more accusatory than I meant it to.  Hagrid frowned. "Didn't I? Darn. I knew I forgot something important." He looks at Nico. "What about You Nico? Did you figure it out okay." "Sure, it was fairly obvious what you were supposed to do. At least it seemed to me." All four of us look at him with open mouths. "You thought it was obvious that you were supposed to run into a brick wall?" I ask astonished.  "Yeah Mate." Ron interjects. "Even i freaked out the first time i saw it and my family has been wizards for generations. How was it obvious?" Nico Just shrugs. "My father's"... he pauses as if trying to pick the best word. "Place, has doors like that." After a couple seconds Hagrid breaks the silence. "Well, we best get going", he says. Then turns around and leads us to the black lake.

Poor Nico. The whole time we were in the boats he held on for dear life and muttered to himself. He clearly didn't like being on the water. He jumped out of the boat when we were still six feet from the shore.from there Hagrid led us into the castle where we met a stern looking woman who introduced herself as professor McGonnagall. After she told us about the four houses she led us into the great hall for our sorting.

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