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When i wake up in the infirmary i see Nico laying in the bed next to me. Hes curled up into a little ball with his cat resting protectively on his hip, and snoring aggressively. Dumbledore is waiting for us. "Ah Harry." He says with a wide grin on his face. "Glad to see you're awake." It takes me a second to remember what happened in the dungeon, then I panic. "Sir, the stone! Quirrell has The stone! Dumbledore raises a hand to silence him. "Relax Harry. The stone has been destroyed and quirrell is dead." I stare at him in shock. "So... you got to the dungeon in time?" Dumbledore smirks. "Not quite. But Mr. Di Angelo did." He gestures towards Nicos bed. "Of course quirrell would have died without his intervention. But he pulled quirrell off of you in time to save your life, and ran him through with his sword." Dumbledore gestures to Nicos sword which is suspended magically next to him. "I arrived a moment later as he collapsed from his injuries."

I instinctively shift an inch further away from the sword. Dumbledore chuckles. "Yes Harry. It is rather spooky isn't it? This blade carries a powerful curse of the kind Ive never encountered before. I haven't the foggiest idea where he got it, and i dare not ask him for I dread what the answer might be. But i doubt that anyone but him could touch it without suffering a fate worse than death." I stare at the sword examining the strange markings running the length of the blade. "Sir." I ask. "Are those Runes?" Dumbledore examines the markings on the blade. "No harry. This is a language called Ancient Greek." "What does it say? Or can you not read it?" Dumbledore is silent for a moment. "It says symfora. Calamity is his sword. Whether he means to say that his sword is a calamity, or that he will inflict calamity on his foes. I cannot say. Or perhaps he means to say that the use of violence itself is a calamity. Or...." "Sir" i say interrupting his ranting. "Nico is not a normal wizard is he?" Dumbledore Considers Nico for a few moments. "No, I think not. I think the Nico Di Angelo we have known this year has chosen to show us only a small part of his true nature."

The last few days of the term went by in a flash. Dumbledore loaded Gryffindor with a couple hundred extra points so that we won the house cup. Which tone perfectly honest seems a little mean to slytherin. But finally we were on the train. And then in what seemed like just a few moments we were getting off. "You have to come visit me this summer Harry." Ron says. "Ill fix it with mom and dad and send you a letter." "Will the Dursley's treat you alright?" Hermione asks. I smirk. "Sure. They dont know I'm not allowed to use magic." We all break down in laughter just as mrs. Weasley rushes up to us. "Hello Ron. And you must be Harry, Hermione, and Nico. Oh ROn has told us so much about you in his letters of course." She grasps Nicos arms and pulls up his sleeves examining his scars. It was clear that this made Nico uncomfortable but he didnt protest. "Oh dear what ever were you thinking. Well we were shocked of course when ron told us what happened. I cant imagine how your parents must have felt. But dear you are much too young to be this troubled. I certainly hope you wont be doing anything like this again." "Come on Boy." Uncle Vernon says. Saving Nico from Mrs. Weasleys onslaught of sympathy. As uncle Vernon walks away I turn back to Nico. "So how about you. What are your plans this summer. Nico seems to stare off into the distance. "I'm going back to New York. I have some... family business i have to deal with.

I'm sorry it's so short but i just had to finish out the book. But dont worry. part two is on the way.

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