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"So How was your Christmas break?" Harry asks politely as i sit down at the Gryffindor table. "It was alright." I shudder slightly. "Mostly." Harry and the Weasleys, who are practically the only Gryffindors who stayed at hogwarts for Christmas, all look at me curiously. I realize they're waiting for me to elaborate. "I had a little, uhm family spat, with my stepmother." "What did she do, ground you?" Ron asks. I shudder more severely this time. "Yes. Literally." The entire group gives me another deeply interested look. I Steele my nerves. "She turned me into a dandelion and tried to plant me in her garden." The Weasleys all laugh hysterically. But harry, who presumably has never been transfigured before, looked appalled. "That's terrible", he proclaims. I shrug. "Its a beautiful garden." The Weasleys all laugh harder. "Did you at least get any good Christmas presents or are they coming on actual Christmas?" Ron asks barely able to control his laughter. "Well I don't actually celebrate Christmas." "Why not?" Either Fred or George asks. "Not part of my religion." Ron looks as though he's been hit over the head with a brick. "You were aware that not all religions celebrate Christmas right Ron?" "So your not expecting any Christmas presents at all" I shrug. "Maybe like a card or something like that. But not any actual presents. But more importantly", I say as we start walking back to the common room. "Did you two find out anything about Nicholas Flamel?" I don't even need to hear them answer. I can tell by the looks on their face that they weren't successful.

On Christmas morning i was woken by the sound of Ron screaming, Ajax screeching, and several loud crashes. I slip out of my bed, blink the sleep out of my eyes and look around. Several side tables have been smashed, the curtains are pulled down from one of the beds, and Ron is laying on the ground with several deep scratches in his face and Ajax standing on his chest and baring his teeth. I pick him up around the ribs and cradle him in my arms. Then I glare down at Ron. "You woke up Ajax." Ron scrambles to his feet. "Your crazy cat tried to kill me",Ron screams. I examine his face. "Your fine. Hear drink a sip of this. Not too much." I hand him my flask of nectar. Wizards can take nectar because they're using Uranus's magic. Ron takes a sip and the cuts on his face seal up. "What kind of potion is that?" I ignore his question and look around the room. "Why did you trash the place?" Ron frowns. "Because your cat attacked me." He screams. "And he keeps trying to eat Scabbers. I raise an eyebrow. "Cat tries to eat rat. Someone alert the daily prophet." I take out my wand and swish it around the room. "Reparo." All the furniture repairs itself. "So what's up." Harry points to the foot of my bed. "You did get some Christmas presents." Sure enough sitting on top of my trunk are two small packages.

The first package is round, about a foot wide, and wrapped in paper featuring dolphins in Santa hats. Obviously from percy. A sharp pain shoots through my chest. My heart cant decide whether to beat faster or stop completely. Everything about percy gives me such mixed feelings. I rip off the piper to find a simple tin. Box. Three guesses what's inside. I peel off the lid and a grin spreads across my face. Four dozen blue cookies with a car on top. I pick up the card and read it. Dear Nico, i hope your okay wherever you are. Merry Christmas. I stuff one of the cookies in my mouth. Not warm, but still inhumanely delicious.  I offer the Tim to Harry and Ron. "Want one?" They each take a cookie. Ron stuffs his in his mouth and literally moans. Harry examines his more carefully. "Why is it blue?" He asks.  I shrug. "Long story. My cousin had an argument with his old stepdad about whether or not there were any blouse foods. So his mom starting dying everything blue out of spite." I consider for a second. "Okay maybe not a long story, but kind of an inside joke." Harry takes a bite out of his cookie and grins. "Delicious", he says. I turn to the other package and frown. I have not the foggiest idea who this is from. Opening unexpected packages is a bad idea for demigods. Of course just about everything is a bad idea for demigods. But i digress. "Its from my mom", Ron says. "I told her you weren't expecting any presents and she said that every kid deserves presents on Christmas wether they celebrate or not." I tear open the package and find a crimson sweater with an angel on it. A tear rolls down my face. "What, you dont like it?" Ron asks.  "No I do", i stammer. "Its just, my mom died when I was young. Ive never had. What i mean is no one ever" "Its okay", Harry says. "I know how you feel." I smile.

"So what else did you guys get?" Ron appraises his pile of gifts. "Well, we each got a sweater. I got some trinkets from bill in Egypt." "And I", interjected Harry. "Got a pair of old socks from my Uncle Vernon. And this" he picks up his last package. I tense and slide gently away from the package. Its giving off a very ominous vibe that makes me very uncomfortable. Harry rips open the package and out falls a simple black piece of cloth. My jaw hits the floor. Harry wraps the cloak around his shoulders and disappears. "Where did you get that?" I ask in shock. "I dont know", harry admits. "The card just says it belonged to my father. It doesn't say who sent it." "Well you should send it back", i declare. Ron and harry stare at me in amazement. "Sent it back"!!! Ron exclaims incredulously. "Have you lost your mind"? I snarl. "Have you lost yours? Can't you feel the power rolling off that thing? Can't you tell its not a normal invisibility cloak? That is powerful magic not meant for the world of mortal men. It doesn't belong here. Mark my words any blessing that cloak gives you will also curse you ten thousand times over." Ron and harry exchange a look. "Quite the little ray of sunshine you are mate", Ron states. Harry looks at me very intently but doesn't speak. As if he's trying to look into my mind. I sigh and walk away muttering a silent prayer for harry. And resigning my self to question Thanatos as to just how exactly a piece of his cloak ended up in the hands of a mortal wizard.

When Nico's not at camp (book the first)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant