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"Something is definitely off about Nico." Harry looks up from our potion. "Are you still on about that? Come on Ron. Nico is our friend." "I'm not saying I don't like the kid", I acknowledge "I'm just saying he's definitely keeping secrets from us." Harry purses his lips. I can tell that he agrees with me but he doesn't want to say so. "Well", Harry argues, "Its not as though we've told him every last thing about our lives." I look across the dungeon to where Nico and Hermione are studiously working on their own potion and shake my head. "This is different. Its not like things haven't come up. They have and he's made excuses. Like burning food at every meal, and that Greek newspaper he's always reading." "That's not so strange", Harry argues. I raise an eyebrow. "Then how about that sword and shield? Or how he somehow manages to cross the entire castle in seconds? Or that weird letter from his dad? And why does his dad Know so much about dark magic? And why are the ghosts always following him around? And he Definitely knows more about Nicholas Flamel than he's letting on." "Alright", Harry whispers urgently. "Alright I get it. But what do you want to do? Hire a private investigator and have him followed?" I frown. Harry's right of course. There really isn't any way to find out what he's hiding. Then the answer dawns on me. "the library. We've only been looking for info about Flamel, but maybe there's information about the Di Angelos as well." "Maybe", Harry agrees. But even if there is that wouldn't tell us anything about Nico himself. "No, but its a place to start." Just then our cauldron erupts into a shower of purple sparks. "Weasley. Potter." Snape Snears. I suppose you were so busy blabbering to each other that you forgot to take your potion off the fire. Ten points from each of you." I look over at Nico. He's still working diligently on his potion and seems not to have realized that half the room was on fire. As if magical explosions were such an ordinary occurrence that they didn't even warrant notice.

I Had always heard that Christmas at Hogwarts was incredible. But to be Honest I think that's underselling it. Hagrid pulled twelve massive Christmas trees into the great hall and tinsel and wreaths were strung all around the castle. The common room always had a roaring fire and fresh kettles of hot coco.  The grounds were governed in a gentle layer of snow that gave the castle the feeling of a plush ski resort. Everywhere you looked there was some magical decoration. About two thirds of the students are going home for winter break, including Nico and Hermione. So Harry and i decide that after a couple days break, which we both desperately needed, we would head to the library to see what we could learn about the Di Angelos. Harry told me that at the leaky cauldron Tom the bartender had recognized the sir name. So I'm sure there will be some info. But after a few hours we've had no more luck than with Nicholas Flamel. Just as I'm about to suggest we give up for the day nd come back tomorrow, Harry grasps my arm. "I've found it." I look over his shoulder as he starts to read aloud.

Not much is know about the Di Angelo family. They have historically been incredibly secretive to such a degree that even the Various Ministries of Magic have been unable to establish complete family records. What little is Known is largely due to their consistent prevalence throughout wizarding history.

"Well there you go Ron", Harry says "that's why he keeps secrets. It's a family tradition."  "Keep reading", I command

The Di Angelos claim to trace their family history back to the mythical hero Odysseus who is credited with the creation of the Trojan Horse. However this is generally believed to be apocryphal. However they are one of  the oldest known wizarding families in the world. Reliable historical records have traced their roots back to 43 A.D.

"What's apocryphal?"  I look at Harry. He looks as though he's been shot. "What?" "43 A.D", He stammers. "That's when Nico's wand was made. Ollivander told me he remembered because it was the same year the Romans came to England." I blink. "That's a hell of a coincidence." Harry grits his teeth. "Keep reading", I encourage.

The Di Angelos were also known to be exceptionally powerful. While there were of course exceptions, in aggregate the Di Angelos were regarded as one of the most powerful and learned wizarding families ever, and several members were said to be on par with the likes of Merlin. As such they are believed to have invented several highly consequential forms of magic. Among their more notable inventions are aparation, invisibility, legilimency, Oclamency, anamagus transfiguration, animation charms, poly juice potion, and veritaserum. As well as countless contributions to nearly every branch of General Magical theory. However they have refused to confirm playing any role in these developments.

I cross my arms and scowl. "Well no wonder he's at the top of the class. His family practically invented magic." Harry has the nerve to snigger at me. "Ron, your jealous!" "No I'm not!" I snap back. "Read!" Harry rolls his eyes and turns back to the book. I swear on Merlins beard the next person to roll their eyes at me is getting a stinging jinx to the crotch.

However the Di Angelos are best known as pioneers in the Magic's that would eventually come to be known as the dark arts. Specifically the fields of necromancy and Umbrakenkinesis. However they are also credited with the inventions of several poisons, jinxes, hexes, and curses. Most notably members of the Di Angelo Family are believed to have created, at various times, all three of the spells that would come to be known as the unforgivable curses.

"Aha! No wonder he's so creepy. I told you we couldn't trust him." Harry frowns. "I don't know Ron. He doesn't really seem evil" "Come on Harry. You read what it said. His family invented the killing curse. The curse that killed your parents." Harry grimaces. I feel a little guilty for bringing that up but I need to convince him. "Maybe his family did" Harry acknowledges. "But He didn't. And he certainly wasn't the one who cast it." I bite my lip. Harry has a point. Nico is just a kid, and its not really fair to blame him for things his family did generations ago. Or for things others did with the magic his family invented. "Besides" Harry continues. "Listen to this."

Despite their connection to the dark arts, there is no evidence that they ever undertook nefarious or malicious acts. Instead it seems that they were simply honest, decent wizards who happened to have an interest and affinity for the dark arts.

"Well yeah, but If they were so secretive then there wouldn't be any evidence would there?" Harry raises an eyebrow and I sigh. This argument sounds half hearted even to me. "Why are you so determined for him to be evil?" Harry asks. I throw my arms up. "Look, he scares me okay. I always feel like he could kill me just by wanting to enough." Harry shudders. "I know what you mean. I feel the same way. But making you feel uneasy isn't a good reason to assume he's evil. And can you name anything he's actually done that put us or anyone else in danger?" I grind my teeth. Another good point. Nico hasn't done anything evil. In fact he's saved our lives a couple times. "Does it say anything else?" Harry smiles and turns back to the book.

Unfortunately this exceptionally noteworthy bloodline is believed to have died out. The last Known Members, Maria Di Angelo and her two children Bianca and Nico, were killed by a freak explosion in the District Of Columbia in the United states in 1934.

I frown. "That can't be right. Even if Nico survived the explosion that would make him more than seventy years old." "It can't be the same person", Harry agrees. "He must be named for his great grand uncle or something." I kick myself mentally. That should have been obvious. Harry continues reading.

Due to traces of exceptionally powerful magic discovered at the scene, it is widely believed that they were assassinated by a rival wizard. Some have theorized that it was the work of none other than the infamous Gellert Gryndelwald, who feared that the family's legendary powers could rival even his own. Though Gryndelwald has denied his involvement to this day.

On the morning of December twentieth Nico returns from his vacation,walks into the great hall, and sits down for breakfast.

A/N. Okay. First ever authors note because I hate seeing these in other books. First of all thanks for all the reads. I'm so glad you guys are enjoying my story. But why the actual fuck wont anyone comment? I want to know your thoughts. Let's get it together guys.

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