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At breakfast i receive no fewer than seven owls. The first brings my copy of the daily prophet. The second brings my copy of Olympus today. The third drops an envelope bearing the official Hogwarts crest(Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Nevile all get identical envelopes. The fourth drops a plain black envelope with a golden seal. The fifth, sixth, and seventh drop packages with Hermès express shipping labels.

I open the hogwarts letter first. Your detention will occur in two weeks. Report to Mr. Filch in the entrance hall.  "Fantastic" I say. "Oh come off it." Ron says. " at least you get birthday presents. what did you get?" I open the Black envelope First. Out spills a silver ring shaped like a skull with rubies for eyes. I open the card. Nico, this ring will allow you to use magic undetected outside of school. Happy Birthday. Dad. "That's not possible is it?" Hermione asks. "Its possible" Ron says. "But you'd have to be insanely powerful and insanely smart." "And an insanely cool dad." Fred and George chime in in unison. "Way to go Nico." I smirk as Hermione and Percy exchange a disapproving look.

Next i open the package from Percy. Percy Jackson, not Percy Weasley. It could get confusing if those two ever meet.  Inside the box is a blue birthday cake decorated with dancing skeletons and a smaller package with a new Mythomagic deck. The card says Happy Birthday Death Breath, remember to be a kid sometimes. My heart sinks into my stomach. A year ago i would have thought this was the greatest gift ever. But now the only thing i want from Percy is... NO! Don't think about about it. Don't think about him. I push the cake aside so nobody notices how uncomfortable it makes me.  Then grab the next package.

This one is from Annabeth. I tear open the paper and find a book. A guide to specters and non beings. By Circe. Her card read, Every Great King knows knowledge is power. So here's some Ghostly knowledge for the Ghost king. "Wow!" I flip through the book. "This is incredible." "Ill say!" Hermione exclaims. "Circe  was an incredible witch." I smirk to myself. She was a brilliant witch. Of course Annabeth didn't Know that. She just thought Circe was a daughter of Hecate. Which of course the wizards didn't Know. And there is NOTHING i love more than knowing something no one else does.

Finally i turn to the last package and frown. Its from Will Solace. Why is he sending me a birthday present. Sure we had been friendly while i was at camp. And he had patched me up after the battle of the labyrinth, but i barely know the kid. i rip open the paper and open the box to find a violin. My jaw drops. I pick up his card and read it. Dear Nico. I know you decided to leave camp but i thought you might at least drop by once in a while. Anyway, i remember you once said that you liked the violin, so i enchanted this one to teach you how to play. There's a strange churning sensation. In my stomach. He wants me at camp? He thought it was worth it to send me a birthday present? He remembered i once mentioned i like the violin? It seems Ive misjudged Will Solace.

Two weeks later Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, and i head to the entrance hall for our detention. When we arrived find none other than Nearly headless Nick. He and I lock eyes and hold each others gaze for a minute. And then Nearly Headless Nick begins to sob. He floats over to Me and wraps me in a hug sobbing miserably into his shoulder. Finally nearly headless Nick Speaks. "Ive Failed You Nico." He whispers. "I am the Patron of your house. I was supposed to care for you. I was supposed to look out for you. But I wasn't there when you needed me." And he breaks down again.  I take him by the hands. "No Sir Nicholas, It was i who failed you." I stare at the ground. "I wasn't strong enough. I couldn't face life alone. And i couldn't see all the people willing to face it with me." Nick Sniffles. "You've been the best friend i ever could have hoped for."

When Nico's not at camp (book the first)Where stories live. Discover now