Chapter 9

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Sierra's POV

I had gotten him everything he needed to get ready with and excusing myself from his room to give him privacy to put on his outfit, I went downstairs to get us some breakfast as he had mentioned he would be having it in his room again today.

Taking up his breakfast up to his room with extra care and love. Love? Love? I really must be out of my mind. I knocked once and told him i was here with his breakfast asking him if he was really done with putting on his clothes. 

"Come in Sierra. I'm done."  Strolling into his room with his breakfast tray, I got a glimpse of him at the other side with his phone in hand. Did he just a receive a call? I wondered. But that wasn't my business so I did what was my business by dropping the tray on the coffee table in his room.

"Mr. Gabriel your food's on the coffee table. Do you need any other thing?" I asked With an extremely polite edge to my voice hinting him towards telling me about his phone call. But with an "I don't, it's okay." I was kind of dissapointed even though in all reality it doesnt even concern me. Urghhh girl pull yourself together.

Not expecting him to walk up to the coffee table by himself, I helped him do that with a hand around his waist and his own hands around mine too, he let me lead him and then he sat down and began eating. When he started I didn't know if I was meant to leave him be or If I was meant to bring my breakfast also up here like last time. After mentally battling with myself for almost 4 minutes, I decided on opening my mouth.

"Uhmmm Sir, I was wondering, if i can go now?" And he turned towards my direction, he wasn't looking into my eyes like he always did this time his eyes were focused almost on the ground.

"You can. You don't really need to eat breakfast with me anymore. From today Sierra you just need to bring breakfast up for me then be on your way to what ever task you need to do. The only time i want you to be in my presence is when your called. Got it?"

I nodded, forgetting momentarily that he couldn't see me nodding then as quickly as I could before he could reprimand me I uttered a yes sir.

I felt quite sad that we didn't need to eat breakfast together again although we had only done it once, I really preferred us eating breakfast together than dinner for some weird reason, to me it was kind of more intimate if that even makes any sense at all. I turned around from the spot I was standing on and started walking towards the door to get out of his room, to let my heart experience a little air. I opened the door and as I was about to step out i heard him say,
"Oh and Sierra, there's a pager in your room, make sure it's always with you cause anytime I need you that's what I'll use to reach." And with an awkward nod he went back to eating.

Well that was fun. Note my sarcasm. But wait he said he needed me? Woahhh princess Sierra don't overthink this, of course he needed you he can't freaking see and walk and do stuff by himself, let's not think deep into his words sweetie or we'll hurt ourself. My subconscious reprimanded me. That was true I needed to stop thinking with my heart and start thinking with my head. What was even wrong with me? I'd never been obsessed with any guy like this in a short period of time. I kept on saying to myself it was just lust but my heart felt something else and i didn't want that cause we were both worlds apart and i knew he would never see me the way i saw him. He would only see me as Sierra his maid.


I was done with breakfast and he was also done with it too, I had taken his tray to the kitchen. Right now I was on my bed relaxing, listening to music that I hadn't listened to in ages for some reason I started missing my sister and my mum and Autumn. It was only like what 4 days?

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