Chapter 14

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Sierra's POV

We were currently having breakfast and every single thing Luca was talking about was simply going into one ear and slipping out the other.

I couldn't stop thinking about the moment we had in the garden. The kiss we had was so magical to me and I didn't know how Gabriel felt about it, if he even felt anything at all.  I tried to assure my self it was nothing over and over again but deep down I knew it was something and i was scared of him rejecting me. Instead I needed to bring it up and tell him it meant nothing to me although in all reality it's the opposite. And to that Luca had to be gone. I was too scared of rejection. I didn't want to jeopardise whatever relationship we had now, I wanted us to still be comfortable around each other but im sure with how stupid I was yesterday he would definetely reprimand me.

Oh my God Sisi you keep getting yourself in big problems. Why cant your life just be problem free.

What if Luca knew about what happened yesterday? My eyes bulged from its sockets.

I don't think so I tried to reassure myself. If he knew he would have brought it up by now, most definetely.

"So what do you think Sierra?" Luca was finally done with whatever speech he was giving.

"What do I think about what?" I asked quite confused as I didn't know what he was talking about.

"The both of you are lost in your own worlds. What are you guys even thinking about could you share? I would love to know" he said in a sing song voice. I looked towards Gabriel; that's when I noticed he was also not listening to any thing Luca was saying. It was only when Luca gave him a tap on his arm that he quickly looked up from his plate.

"Yeah? Did you say something?" What was Gabriel thinking I wonder.

"No bro, don't mind me I was just talking to myself, I want to start a YouTube channel You know, this is just practice." He retorted.

And i couldn't help but snicker. Sometimes Luca was just a whole character.

We all simultaneously turned our heads towards the opening of the dining hall due to the clearing of someone's throat. It was Mrs. Giovanni, Sarah. She hadn't been here in the longest while and I immediately stood up from my seat on seeing her.

"Mrs. Giovanni welcome, do you mind  joining us for breakfast?" I asked as politely as I could like it was my house. Youre getting way ahead of yourself girl.

But nobody even felt bothered. That was relieving.

"No dear it's fine I had a big breakfast today and i don't think there's space in here for any." She gestured towards her stomach while speaking.

And then Gabriel and Luca both said their Good mornings.

"Mum you came at the right time. Would you mind having a word with Luca and I? We have a favour to ask of you." Hmmm i wonder what Gabriel wants to ask of her not that it's any of my business but as we all know I'm one hell of a curious cat.


After breakfast they all retreated into Gabriel's office. As much as I wanted to eavesdrop I couldn't, as I summoned up all the forces of my ethics into play. So as a good girl which I am I went upstairs into my room deciding it was a good time to call my sister instead of waiting for her to reply to a text. After the fourth call went to voice mail I gave up calling her for the time being and decided to call Autumn. I needed to give her information and details on what happened yesterday cause i was in dire need of serious advice. I needed someone who was actually using their brain to think to help me and that person was my best friend. 

After the second ring she picked up.
"Hey girl to what do I owe this honour?" She asked. Autumn was so dramatic at times if not all the time. She was definitely the bolder one in our friendship.

"Stop acting like we havent talked In ages. We talked like when 3 days ago?"

"Pfft yeah right, you're too lost in your romance that you have forgotten all about your best friend and only friend might I add in the whole wide world."

"Point of correction b, you arent my only friend anymore. I have 2 more friends to add to that list."

"Do i even want to know?" I could hear her eye roll from this side of the country.

"Sisi you're trying to rub in the fact that you're falling in love and I'm here stuck at work?" Well technically I was also kind of stuck at work too but i cant say that if not she would have my head. Do i even want to tell her about what happened anymore? I feel like she's not in a good mood.

"Is everything okay, Autumn dear? Is it work?" I heard her sigh through the other end of the phone.

"Its nothing Sisi I've just been overly stressed recently. It's no biggie. Okay? Now I know theres a reason you called spill it out missy."

After explaining everything that happened and hearing her scream and damage my ear drums over and over again. She finally decided to give me a stupid ass advice like follow your heart. Like i haven't heard that before, my heart was basically the only thing speaking and i needed someone else to lend me a reasonable part of their brain and the one person I thought would help with that gave me the opposite of what I expected. Urghhh I sure was doomed.

Narrative POV

Sarah couldn't quite understand what her son wanted to do with Sierras mum's contact. If she gave it to him what would he ask for? This was becoming quite alarming. She wasn't even gone for that long and now he was demanding for Samanthas number.

Of course she would give it to him then So as not to be suspicious but she didn't want this kind of thing to happen. What kind of bond was forming between Gabriel and Sierra she didn't know but she was sure she would get to the bottom of it and not just that she would nip the problem from the bud. She was the one who started the mess and she would surely fix it.

Well okay, stay tuned for the next chapter it would be coming up soon. And I'm sorry this chapter was short but it is what it is.  Next chapter is gonna be longer. Promise. It's Sierras birthday soon.
Let's not forget to comment about how we felt about this chapter please. Nice comments and constructive criticism only loves. Xx 💗💗💗

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