Chapter Nine • Memories and a Bath

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*Long Chapter*


William went upstairs to his chamber; the bath was drawn and ready for him as he entered. The water was steaming hot. His cold body longed after the sensation of warm water all over him. As he closed the door, he let out a sigh and got undressed. He struggled somewhat because his fingers were partially numb from the cold. However, they still recalled the feeling of touching Jade's body as he had lifted her. He couldn't control himself when he had reached out to help her out of the carriage. He knew that she could easily just had exited it herself, but he wanted to touch her... He had wanted to feel her close to him without her thinking he was being rude or rough. The way she had looked at him in pure surprise was etched into his mind.

William stepped out of his trousers and underwear. He felt blood rush down to his crotch as his thoughts lingered on Jade. While shaking his head he tried to free himself of the thoughts of her and ran his fingers threw his hair. As he did, he realized it was too long. He had to get it cut...

Those blue eyes... That sharp tongue... His thoughts frustratingly enough found their way back to Jade. William felt himself fill with blood when he failed to think of other things. He lost control over his body. Completely naked, he walked to the tub and got in. The water scolded his skin for a second but he lowered himself into it anyway. The water made him shudder all over as it now reached his jaws. He sat up and leaned against the edge. Slowly, he closed his eyes and fell into the memory of the day he had told his parents about Jade. It wasn't more than a week ago, but it seemed like forever.

A week earlier...

William threw himself off his horse as soon as they entered the courtyard. He left the horses and his belongings to his mother's personal guard ser Thomas to tend to. He couldn't wait to tell his father about Jade, and that her father had finally agreed to give him her hand in marriage.

William ran up the steps towards the entrance of the castle. The guard on duty didn't notice him until William ripped the door open himself and continued towards his father's study.

When he entered the room he could hear his parents fight as they always did. Sometimes, he wondered if they had ever enjoyed each other's company.

"I don't want this whole room full of your damned books, Uldard!" William's mother hissed.

"Where would you like me to keep them? This is my study." His father answered, tired of their argument. "I will not have you fill every room in this castle with flowers and statues. Books have a higher value."

"I will not-"

Both of them became quiet when they felt the presence of someone else in the room. Both of them lit up when they noticed their son.

"My son!" His father exclaimed with a sudden pleased look on his face. He was probably very happy that William had arrived, so he didn't have to quarrel anymore with his wife. "Finally! You have returned!"

"I need to speak to you." William said as he quickly walked up to them. His mother sat down on a chaise lounge close with concern in her eyes. "I will be leaving again, as soon as possible." He added and the concern in his mother's eyes increased.

"What is it?" She asked. "Did something happen while you were away?"

"No." William answered shortly. 

He was surprised that she suddenly seemed to care about whatever problems he might, or might not, have. Mostly when he said something, she sighed at him or said something snide. William didn't know why his mother seemed to dislike him so much... but she did, and she had always treated him like this. However, his mother's biggest concern when it came to him was his appearance and the lack of a future wife. William's mother had made it her personal quest to find him the girl she wanted him to marry. Unfortunately for her, he beat her to it. William smiled as it brought him joy that he had found his wife, without his mother's assistance or meddling.

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