Chapter Twenty two • A Dance with Another

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"Humiliated you?" William kept his voice down. He was offended. "What do you mean?" Jade shook her head slowly.

"Why would you tell your father about what happened?" Jade whispered and wanted to disappear through the ground.

"First of all, I didn't tell him what happened. I told him only what he needed to know so that you never have to see them again." William answered her. His words burned her like searing fire. He was upset with her.

"Secondly, I did it for you, Jade. Or would you rather have had me ignore it all together? Has it occurred to you that if I hadn't showed up, we wouldn't be having this conversation?" He pointed at Jade and then to himself. "You would probably be with your governess crying and hurt, beyond what I could ever imagine. I promise you, that this outcome was the best. I will not apologize for telling my father." He hissed out the last words.

The king gave him a nudge and William straightened himself in his chair. He then glanced at Jade and grabbed his glass. Before he brought it all the way up to his lips he said.

"A little gratitude wouldn't kill you, Jade. Considering I probably saved you... for the third time."

Jade didn't have anything to say. William returned to his cold self and it wouldn't matter if she thanked him or said anything else. He had locked himself away from her.

. . .

As the feast came to an end Jade was exhausted. They moved from the table to the ballroom again.

A group of musicians sat in a corner and played wonderful melodies that were meant for dancing. The floor filled with men and women who took each other's hands and started swaying softly together.

Jade placed herself far away from any possible man that could ask her to dance. She didn't want to risk anything and found a safe place behind a pillar, surrounded with flower arrangements. Here she could watch the dancing couples in peace and admire their skills as they moved together to the music.

At the far end of the room, from where she stood, the royal family was sitting on decorated thrones. Each of the thrones were carved out of dark wood and had intricate patterns. The King's were placed in between his wife and son. His throne was also the largest.

The Queen sat to his left, and William to his right. The king was smiling and tried his best to get his wife to smile, it didn't work. She just sat there with her lips refusing to move from the strict line they were always formed in.

"What on earth are you doing back here?" Jade turned around and found Elizabeth looking at her with a puzzled expression on her face. In her arms she was carrying a platter of what looked like delicious pastries.

"I needed some time to myself." Jade answered. Elizabeth's shoulders sunk a little.

"I heard about what happened." She said and smiled faintly, but behind it there was sadness. She wasn't happy about it, but Jade could tell that Elizabeth understood why she had withdrawn from the festivities.

"He told you too?" Jade sighed upset and looked towards William.

He looked very bored and not at all in the mood for dancing or even having a good time. He leaned against the left armrest of his throne, his elbow was pressed against the armrest while his index finger and thumb supported his chin. One of his fingers was covering his lips. It was impossible to look more indifferent than what he did right now.

"He worries about you." Elizabeth said in a very low voice, as if she was telling Jade a secret. She turned to face her.

Elizabeth was looking at her with an anxious look on her face.

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