Chapter Forty Five • Home

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The name of the village Jade's is from is presented in this chapter (really in chapter 45?). Yes. I know, but I didn't want to write a name that I couldn't stand by lol. SO! Whenever I do a revision of the book, this will of course be added in the beginning of the story!


William put his clothes on again and ran downstairs with the dress still in his hands. The man he had spoken to earlier seemed very bothered by his presence but put on a fabricated smile for his sake.

"Do you remember the girl who wore this dress?" William blurted out. He pushed the dress against the man's hands, begging him to take a look at it.

The man's brows knitted when William pushed he dress in his face.

"Calm down, boy." He mumbled and took the dress from him. William couldn't help but to think that he defiled the dress with his touch but he kept it to himself. This was the closest he had been to Jade in forever and it pained him to see the man fling the dress around like it was whatever. To him it was more precious than gold.

The man studied the dress closely and then handed it back to William.

"Yes... I think it was a couple of days ago... The girl who wore it was..."

"She has dark brown long hair." William interrupted him. "Eyes blue like ice." He continued and felt his whole being fill with hope. The man didn't look too impressed by the interruption.

"What I was going to say was that she wasn't alone... so what do you want with her?" He asked and the eyes narrowed. William sighed.

Why does everyone think that I want to harm Jade? He remembered the hunter who had seen him argue with Jade outside an inn.

"It was her bodyguard." William answered and restrained himself from cursing at the old man. "I am her husband." He lied. The look on the man's face immediately changed and he got an apologetic look in his eyes.

"My apologies, sir." He began. "Do you mind me asking why you are not with her and why she has a bodyguard?"

"I am away a lot and she needs one. Do I have to explain anything else?" He muttered and clenched the dress in his hands. The man shook his head quickly.

"No. No, of course not, sir." He answered William. "As I said... they left a couple of days ago..."

"Did they mention where they were going?" William asked in a sigh.

Finally some progress!

"No, but the man asked where he could buy weapons... so I sent him to the market in the village east of this one." The man answered.

"Is there anything else you can tell me?" William asked. "Anything will be of importance."

"The girl cried in her sleep... a lot." The man said after thinking for a long while. He shrugged his shoulders because he seemed unsure how this could be of any importance to William. "I am not sure the poor soul even slept the night they spent here. My wife heard her as well..."

William's heart broke into pieces. The only comfort he found in this information was that if Jade cried herself to sleep... then she must miss him as much as he missed her. Another sharp jolt of pain struck his heart. He needed to find her... Soon.


Jade had lost track of how many villages they had passed through... It had been almost three weeks since Loren had made sure that she escaped from the castle... alive at that.

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