Chapter Thirty • Respected and missed

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The second week had passed and Jade still hadn't heard anything from William. She had a bad feeling about the fact that no one seemed to have heard from neither the king nor his son.

"Is it not strange that they haven't sent word to the queen?" Jade asked Loren while they were walking their usual route in the gardens. It had become a routine for them to walk this path every morning after Jade's breakfast.

"It is not strange that the prince hasn't sent word to the queen." Loren answered her and Jade could hear the underlying message in his voice. William did not send letter to his mother, at all, and therefore it wasn't strange. But his answer didn't soothe her worried mind.

Jade had gotten to know Loren a lot better during the weeks that had passed. Her guard actually had a sense of humor and he occasionally treated her with a joke that made her laugh. But he always remained respectful and never crossed a line that would make William cross or get Jade in any trouble. Not that Jade was in any way fond of him except for his company, but he did however make the time in the castle easier. They did however watch out for spying eyes that might want to twist what was really going on between them into something that would harm Jade in anyway. Apparently, Elizabeth had hears whispers in the halls about Jade and her guard and the amount of time they spent together.

"Would it kill you to answer me in something else than a riddle or a question?" Jade muttered to Loren while they took the first step out in the gardens.

The gardens were all covered in a white layer of rim frost. Every branch was covered in crystals and they sparkled more beautiful than all the jewels Jade could think of. Each flower and leaf that still hadn't fallen to the ground had turned into an crystal-like ice gem as well.

"I think my normal answers would bore you, terribly." Loren chuckled and Jade saw his eyes scrutinize their path. Looking for something or someone that would come in their way. Why Jade didn't quite know. She never asked because she was afraid of the answer. All she knew was about the whispers. Loren on the other hand seemed to suspect something more. This also brought distress to Jade, beside the internal chaos roaming in her due to the lack in knowledge of William's wellbeing.

Loren relaxed when he established that there were no threats around. "And I predict that if I do answer you like that, you will just have more questions for me." He added. Jade frowned but smiled when she saw his amused expression.

"Very well..." Jade sighed and turned her gaze towards the gardens again. I wished that they would at least send something... To let someone know that they are at the very least alive... She thought and tried to ignore the knot in her stomach. It had rooted itself deep inside her a couple of days ago. Sometimes it crept up to her throat, making it hard for her to breathe and almost sending her into a spiral of thoughts filled with nothing but scenes of what could have happened to William. And what would happen to her if he never returned? Jade shuddered at the very thought of the queen's rage that would follow if her precious son never returned.

"Is something wrong, miss?" Loren asked, worried, and she noticed that he was studying her. Jade pulled her hood over her head as protection from his gaze.

"No." She lied with a clear voice.


The fight had been long and bloody. There were bodies everywhere, covered in blood, dirt and ashes from the raiders' camp that had burned down. A rain of ash-flakes were slowly descending to the ground. William stood in the middle of the raiders' camp, panting for air with his sword to his side, dripping with blood. The small flakes landed in his face and on his armor. It almost looked like snow, only it was more grey and not white like snowflakes. William leaned his head back and opened his mouth to let his lungs fill with as much air as possible, but still careful not to inhale the ash. The air reeked of blood and the smell of spilled guts and their horrid contents filled his nose. The stench made him frown in disgust, but his lungs craved the air.

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