20| Sandra Reynolds

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chapter twenty

            I had always thought teenagers make somewhat logical choices

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            I had always thought teenagers make somewhat logical choices. The day Flynn found out about Sebastian, I would of thought he would question his parents that very moment.

      His choice was to avoid it. He doesn't feel the need to ask the people who raised him about something so crucial, instead he took the information and turned it into his own investigation.

         Now that his parents are aware of Sebastian and want to talk to Flynn, I was dragged into the central of this.

        After the phone call from Dianna, Flynn had grabbed his bag and tossed it into the back of his car whilst asking me to come with him to see his parents. I would feel guilty to say no, so I quietly climbed into his car with him before he drove his car around the corner and stopped in front of his house.

        "Are you okay?" I ask Flynn when he says nothing after turning the car off and sits there for a few moments. The memories of his agreement had faded from my mind within moments.

     His hands drop off the steering wheel. "Yeah, I think so. I don't know how I'm suppose to be feeling right now." I nod understandingly. He seems extremely nervous. "I don't want to hear something that I don't want to know."

    The familiar sting of picturing Sebastian Reynolds in my head bites me after Flynn's words. I know he doesn't mean them to mean any harm, but I'm the one who takes it into the context of him discovering him to be family and the only reason Sebastian isn't here is because of me.

        The hardest day after it was finally having enough energy- although it was forced by the board of education otherwise they would of failed me, to go to school and face his locker that was covered in flowers and photos of him. Everyone glared at me and it was the first time I had ever felt isolated.

      "You'll be okay." I'm not sure what else I can say. I want to be one of those people who can give an on the spot motivational speech, but that's not who I am.

      He smiles thankfully at me before he notices Dianna parking in front of him and practically jumping out of the car. She walks to beside Flynn's car as he unbuckles his seatbelt and also gets out.

        I quickly follow and join the Davis siblings on the sidewalk. "Do you think they will even ask you about Sebastian?" Dianna asks Flynn the moment he is in ear shot distance. She seems more nervous than he does.

         "They have to, surely." He reassures himself and glances at the two cars stationed beside each other in the driveway. "But if they thought they could get away with never telling me, then maybe they will try not to say anything."

      "Don't be down." Dianna gently nudged Flynn with her elbow. "They will. Whatever they say doesn't change anything. I'm still your sister, and they're still your parents." I begin to realise this is a nerve wracking and significant moment to the Davis pair.

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