45| They're Here

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chapter forty five

Once again, I don't remember falling asleep

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Once again, I don't remember falling asleep. I remember a soft hum coming from Flynn's throat while his fingers brushed through my long hair. I was barely even watching the movie we had playing.

I was curled up under my blankets when Flynn climbed in and switched my laptop on so that he could pick a film. He had placed his arm over my shoulder and gently tugged me so that I had my head on his chest- able to hear the steady beat of his heart.

Which is when I open my eyes to a dimmed room with bright sunlight trying to pour its way through the gaps of the curtains, I grow to realise that I had slept through until the next day.

As my senses slowly reel back in, I rub my dried eyes with one hand and use the other to pat the space beside me. Flynn isn't here.

I frown and sit up with a slight grunt when I feel a small amount of pain where my stitches previously had been. I'm grateful that now I am able to manage to be a lot more independent with everything ever since the horrific pain has lessened to a minimal amount.

I look around in case Flynn had stepped into the en-suite, but the door is widen open and the light is off. My bedroom door is sealed shut, and I can see the light of the house against the carpet.


The one thing I hate the most is what I am sealed in. I bite harshly down on my tongue so that it fills with a metallic taste of blood so that my mind is busy focusing on that than forcing me to endure even more time overthinking everything or watching my own memories.

I wince at the delayed burst of pain from my tongue and press my hand over my mouth like it would help ease the pain. As much as I would of liked it to, it doesn't help at all.

I peel the blankets off me in order to find someone, whether it be my mom or Flynn. Maybe he had to go home and I had accidentally kept him over by falling asleep on him.

I look down once I am stand and see I am still in the same clothes I had worn to the psychology office and hospital. Thankfully no one had bothered to even consider changing my clothes as it would of woken me up in a heartbeat.

I twist the handle of my door quietly so I can filter out any other noise to see if I can hear my people and walk across the soft carpet towards the stairs.

Soft chatter from the floor below me sounds like more than one voice, meaning Flynn had stayed like I had hoped for. Despite seeing him so much, it doesn't feel like enough.

He makes me happy. Even with these groggy and horrible feelings bubbling within me- I feel them diffuse when I think about Flynn and what we could possibly do today.

"I just don't know how to do it." Now that I am downstairs and approaching where the kitchen is, mom's words stop me as I grow curious. Normally, I don't eavesdrop on other people's conversations, but that particular sentence makes the smile I had on my face fall. "She already has so much going on at the moment, so I don't know if she will take it as a good or bad thing."

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