24| Hungover Confessions

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chapter twenty four

      A groan claws it's way out of my tried throat

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A groan claws it's way out of my tried throat. I try to swallow to ease the scratchy feelings, but it only minimises it slightly. My head aches so much I feel my stomach twist, wringing out the contents of my stomach. I don't let it do so, as I manage to hold the sick feeling down.

I feel light wanting to pour it's way through my closed eyelids, and the surface beneath me stings my skin with coldness.

I feel horrible.

I never remember feeling this way after parties when I was younger. I could hold whatever liquor that was handed to me and have nothing but a slight ache in my body from dancing so much.

This time is more painful than I ever remember. My lower back shadows the same pain I had weeks ago in my kidneys, my head throbs excruciatingly, my throat is dry, and my body feels as if it had been tossed down a flight of stairs.

My eyes painfully peel open, registering the concrete beneath me and the outdoor sky which is already bright. I push out another groan, complaining about the unwelcoming presence of a hangover. I have no clue where I am, or how I ended up here.

I notice a heap of blonde curls right in my face, tickling the tip of my nose. My heart sharply beats for a split moment when my eyes meet Camila's already open ones. "I tired waking you several times." Her mascara is smudged under her eyes, and her voice is slightly raspy. "Your mom is going to kill me."

All thoughts flood my pained head- yet another groan dancing off my lips. Flynn is suppose to be at my house in the morning, and if it is anything later than then, my mom definitely would notice my missing presence.

I dig my elbow into the ground and push myself up slowly, trying not to disturb my head. The beast trapped in my skull forces my vision to blur and for me to bite down on my tongue so I don't throw up.

      "What time is it?" I sound just as horrible as I feel, and I know those feelings will be so much worse once my mom scolds me for sneaking out.

     Camila glances at her phone, then back to me whilst also sitting up. "It's nearly ten o'clock." Her words process in my brain, and sinks my stomach. My mom definitely would have noticed my absence. "Exactly why your mom is going to kill me."

    I close my eyes and let out a long sound of worry. We were suppose to make it home last night before midnight, until Camila compromised our plans. "This is all your fault." I open my eyes and grab her hands that she offers. She clearly isn't as affected as I am. "If you hadn't passed out first."

     She snickers as she helps me stand up. My legs ache and my head spins, so I find myself gripping onto Camila for dear life. "You're the one who tripped and made us lay there until I had passed out."

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