41| The Cold

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chapter forty one

The sound of the gunshot wasn't the most terrifying for me

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The sound of the gunshot wasn't the most terrifying for me. That is something I easily can forget about with a few years time. It was the split second that followed- the sounds of his blood and brain matter hitting the walls.

The sound of his lifeless body crashing onto the ground. The gasps and screams from others that echoed. Then the complete silence.

I still can hear every second of it.

My stomach wrenches and I fear being sick. The feeling and sound reminds me so much of Sebastian's death.

I hear it again, and again. It's torturing me the same way I had been months after watching Sebastian's head be crushed.

Bang. The gun goes again, and suddenly all the halls and floor are white. His body stares directly at me to keep it's memory buried alive in my mind. Bang. He falls to the ground again with a horrific bullet wound. Bang-

"Vi-" I hear someone say loudly which pulls me from a slumber I didn't even know I was in. It felt as if I was only thinking. "Violet, you're okay, wake up, you're okay."

I blink open my eyes as the cold air hits them, and I see Flynn sitting upright on the bed beside me. I don't remember falling asleep, or even dreaming. I never get nightmares.

I frown and sit up myself, adjusting to the dimly lit room. The only source of light is from the slightly open blinds over the window. I assume it would have to be early in the morning.

My chest feels heavy as it pumps itself for more air, and I can feel my forehead damp. I wipe it with my long sleeve shirt sleeve, ridding the sweat from me.

"Are you okay, Vi?" Flynn's hand rubs my back as he shifts down the bed so he is sitting beside me. I don't know why in my sleep I have caused myself to be so out of breath.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I say and wipe my face again to make sure I had completely cleaned my face. "I don't know what that was. Sorry if I woke you."

Flynn shakes his head as I turn to see as much as I can of him in the small amount of light. "Don't be sorry." His hand stops rubbing my back as he presses a kiss to my forehead. "I was already awake. I saw you panting, and you kept twitching so I wanted to make sure you were alright."

I smile appreciably, but I don't have the energy to make it a toothy grin. "What were you doing awake? It's five in the morning, Flynn." I ask after glancing towards the digital clock.

"I was cold because you pulled the blankets off me in your sleep." He chuckles, but I feel bad for doing that to him. I look down at the blankets, seeing them more on my side of the bed than his. "I moved closer to you so I would be warmer, but that's when I felt you moving so much."

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