38| Man In Scrubs

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chapter thirty eight

Waking up without a single thought or idea about the events that took place leaves a large black void in my mind

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Waking up without a single thought or idea about the events that took place leaves a large black void in my mind. I remember starting to have dinner at the Beckett family house, then the crashing feeling of exhaustion. It felt so good to finally cave into needing rest- despite it being in the middle of a hallway.

My eyes are already open and bathe in the hospital room around me. The overwhelming smells of disinfectant, the sounds of both machines and voices all fuel my hatred for being stuck here. I don't even remember being brought here. I faintly remember new pains floating my unresponsive body and a fight for oxygen.

I shift slightly so I can continue to scan the rest of the decent sized private room, but a new burning pain from my abdomen steals my focus. The pain sprouts out, earning an automatic cry of pain from my lips.

My eyes dart to the thin sheets that are draped over me, and my hand reaches to peal the blanket back to find the source of pain. "Violet?" My mom's voice stops me from trying to move the baggy blue hospital gown to see why I am in so much pain. "Are you okay? Should I get a doctor?"

I look to my left where my mom is pushing herself off the reclined chair she must of been sleeping on. I frown as I try to narrow down my long list of questions down. "What happened?"

Mom drags a different plastic chair beside the hospital bed I am lying on, and she takes my hand in hers. There are red rings under her eyes, and I can't tell if they are from a lack of sleep or crying. "You're kidney's completely shut down, hun."

My lips part and chest begins to ache with worry. I thought I was doing well with the detox and doing my best to protect them from more damage. I assume taking the sleeping meds at Penn Sterling wasn't a good decision.

Mom's deep frown lodges a lump in my throat. "Your friends had driven you to the hospital last night because you had passed out. I had to wait in the hall for hours until a doctor explained that your kidney's shut down and they were preparing you for an emergency transplant."

Transplant. The word explains the unfamiliar pains in my abdomen area. My fingers fiddle with the horrible feeling of the bed sheets to suppress my looming anxiety about the whole time I don't have accounted for- I was cut open and had a transplant without my knowledge.

"What about my friends?" Everything know starts to crash down on me. "Where are they?" I would of assumed since it is Saturday that they would of piled into the private room to see me, especially after being the ones to witness my downfall.

"The surgeon and doctors only are letting me be here for the first twenty four hours after surgery incase you body rejects the new set of kidneys." She explains while I soak the information in, and stop feeling as gloomy about them not being here. "I promised Camila, Flynn, and Dianna that I would let them know when they are allowed to be here. They tried camping out in the waiting area, but Matthew and Laine made them go home to rest."

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