Saving Edward

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(Y/N Pov.)
I was sitting in my room, and reading when I heard someone banging on my door. I threw the door open to find Alice. "What are you doing here I thought you and Jasper left for a vacation?" I asked as she came in." Edward is going to try and kill himself, because he thinks Bella is dead. " I stood there shocked, then a question came to my mind "Well is she?" She shook her head and replied "She is in the car, come on"

- time skip brought to you by Aro in a Princess Peach costume-

We arrived in Italy, and Alice was racing down the road. "I'm guessing you didn't rent this car?" Bella asked "I figured you wouldn't be opposed to Grand theft auto" came Alice's reply. "Not today". Alice had a vision. "What did you see" Alice answered in an anxious voice "They refused him" "so..." "He's gonna make a scene, show himself to the humans." My eyes widened "No, when" came Bella's rushed reply. "He's gonna wait until noon when the sun is at its highest." "Alice hurry!" I had finally decided to but in."There's Volterra"

~time skip~
Bella raced to Edward, as I trailed behind with Alice. When we caught up there were two men with the resently reunited couple.
"Come on guys there's a festival going on, you wouldn't want to cause a scene." " No we wouldn't" came their cold voices, and I flinched. Just then they seemed to notice me. My eyes connected with the tall and buffer guy and I felt a shock go up my spine. I quickly looked to the other one and felt the same thing.
Just then...

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