4 month time skip

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(everything that happens in between the two events is the same except (Y/N) is also going to be tracked by James, but she was smart enough to not to go with Bella to the ballet studio. also when Edward told everyone what happened in Volterra they told her what mates are and that's what Alec, Jane, Dimitri, and Felix are to her.)

We were up on the mountain waiting for the battle to be over. Bella a Eddie something as I was coming out of the tent. He seemed worried "She's close I can here her thoughts. Seth go!" Was that Seth ran as he was told. "She's not alone." At this statement always confused who is with her? Just then I saw a man no a boy my age come out from the trees. He intrigues me I guess Eddie heard my thoughts because he pulled me and Bella closer. I was watching the boys so closely that I didn't hear anything that was said.

At some point Eddie left mine and Bella's side and went over talking to Victoria. Victoria came at us then Edward grabbed her and threw her. Then he grabbed and pulled us away. Bella pulled me over to the edge of the trees my. Bella saw that Eddie was losing, and she went searching for a sharp rock.

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