Chapter 26 [edited]

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Bright sunshine filled my vision immediately as I stepped off of the plane. A cool wind blew through my hair as I took a deep breath and smiled at the faint smell of fresh rain; April in Michigan was comforting. It was home.

Once we went through security and Mom made sure we had all of our luggage, she led us down the escalator to the main lobby. The smile on my face grew bigger as an older woman with curly dark brown hair and piercing black-brown eyes moved into my line of sight. Her smile mirrored mine the instant our eyes met and I ran to her.


"Auttie! Oh, I've missed you," Grandma wrapped her arms around me and squeezed. "How are you, girlie?"

"I'm doing good," I grinned. "As weird as it seems, I really like Forks."

"You're not just saying that because of a certain young man, are you?" Grandma winked at me before hugging Mom. "Julie, my baby. It's so good to see you."

"Hi, Mom. How are you feeling today?"

"A lot better now that my girls are here. And Chloe! Look at you!"

Mom and I laughed as Grandma nearly tackled Chloe into a bear hug.

"You look as beautiful as ever! How's your baby doing?" Grandma linked her arm through Chloe's as Mom grabbed the luggage and we left the airport lobby for the car.

"She's doing really well. My parents have her right now, and Mom sends me pictures every day. She just had a doctor's appointment a couple of days ago, and they said she's right where she needs to be."

"That's good. I have a rocking horse I'd like to give to her if that's okay."

"Of course, Mrs. Anderson."

"Now, Chloe. How many times do I have to tell you to call me Grandma Lilly?" Grandma pretended to scold her.

"Sorry, Grandma Lilly."

Within minutes, tall buildings and crowded main streets blurred into quiet suburban neighborhoods, blooming green trees, and white picket fences. My body visibly relaxed into the backseat as my brain recognized houses and street names. When the familiar white exterior with black shutters and a red door appeared outside the window, Chloe's attitude perked up and she let out a small squeal of delight.

Just as Grandma put the car in park, Chloe threw open her door and took off for the front door. Halfway up the sidewalk, the door opened and Margaret Marshall appeared, her eyes swelling with tears.

"My baby!" She cried out as she wrapped Chloe in a tight hug. "I'm so happy to see you!"

"I missed you too." Chloe managed to get out between the small sobs racking her body.

"Come on in, you guys! You must be tired." Margaret ushered Chloe inside the door before turning towards us coming up the path. "Dinner is almost ready; I figured you'd be hungry after your flight."

"Thanks, Maggie." Mom beamed at her best friend before pulling her into a warm hug. "You're the best."

"Says the one taking care of my daughter," Margaret teased playfully, bumping her hip into Mom's. "Oh, Casey is with your father, Chloe. He took her to the store because she was having a hard time falling asleep at naptime today."

"Is she teething again?" Chloe's voice floated down the staircase as we followed Margaret down the hallway to the living room.

"Doctor saw a new one coming in at her appointment."

Margaret turned her attention to Mom and Grandma, asking them if they wanted something to drink and catching up about life since we left for Forks after the divorce. I tuned them out as I wandered over by the fireplace, looking at the pictures on the mantle. Margaret still had a collage of our Halloween costumes in a frame; I smiled as I looked over our costume choices through the years, from Elphaba and Glinda to Minnie Mouse and Daisy Duck.

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