Twenty One

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Tila dropped and rolled to her left as Typhon swung another vicious hook. He was growing frustrated, she could tell, because so far he hadn't landed a single blow.

On the other hand, all Tila had been able to do was stay out of his reach. Now he controlled the console and the chain was still falling.

Tila rolled up on one knee, her fingertips planted on the metal floor like a sprinter waiting for the starting pistol

'You think it's just a matter of time, don't you,' taunted Tila. 'You can't stop us. Even Malachi can beat your pirates out there. We'll escape and tell everyone what's happening here.'

'Ha! You don't even know what's happening here.'

Typhon advanced. Tila was ready. She dived forward kicking hard as she rolled onto her back. Her heels slammed into Typhon's inner thigh. The leg gave way and he tripped. Tila spun sideways to escape his gloved fingers and waited, the sprinter on the blocks. Her fingertips brushed the metal walkway.

'So tell me.'

Ellie blinked. The chains. The way out. She cried out to Tila to stop the winch.

'They're not my men, Tila. I'm here to stop the pirates.'

Tila's eyes darted around the room, trying to understand.

That makes no sense.

They both heard a scared voice cry out.

'Ellie!' Tila shouted.

Typhon nodded at something on the gangway behind her. 'Those are my men.'

Over her shoulder Tila saw two blackclad agents walking toward her. They each drew a stun-stick.

Her fingers tightened against the diamond shaped holes in the walkway.

Typhon smiled and did the same, and triggered the gauntlets.

Malachi clutched his shoulder. Something had torn when he swung the pipe. He backed up against the nearest wall and took a breath. Another pirate could be here any minute. He had to get back to Ellie.

But every path looked the same.

Then Ellie cried out and above him lightning flared, filling the room with spectral white.

Typhon, on his feet once more, turned his attention back to the console. He returned the lever which controlled the crane back to a neutral position. The crane stopped. Typhon reversed the direction of the lever. Above him the big winch turned slowly back on itself and the chain flowed up.

The two agents reached the platform.

'Take her,' he said without looking at them. Instead he watched the factory floor.

Ellie knew the plan. She remembered what she was told to do. So when the chain stopped falling she took hold and waited, trusting in Tila to save her.

The chain moved up.

Malachi watched the scene play out from underneath. As Typhon turned his back on Tila. As he took the controls. As Tila, stunned from the electrical blast, was lifted by the arms and dragged along the walkway. He heard the chain pause, then reverse, and over the machinery he saw a blonde head begin to rise.

'Oh, Ellie, no,' he said to himself.

He started forward and his foot kicked another bit of loose metal.

Malachi picked it up and changed direction. He ignored Ellie and ran underneath the gangway, following Tila.

Ellie ignored the sounds of fighting. She knew Tila would get them out of here. She dare not think of any other outcome. Ellie wrapped her arms around the cold, thick links. The holes were big enough for to get one inside. Her other leg swung free. She looked hopefully to the darkness above, to their escape. She looked down to see if Malachi had followed her onto the chain, but he had vanished.

Ellie looked to her left. Tila should be coming into view now.

What she saw instead sent the cold of the steel chain through her heart.

'Hello princess,' said Typhon. 'I missed you.'

The Dead Fleet (Juggernaut #3)Where stories live. Discover now