Fifty Three

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'Get down! Cover your eyes!'

Tila dived to the floor, arms outstretched. The staff and blaster clattered against the passageway. Her knees cracked against the hard floor. She squeezed her eyes shut and wrapped her arms around her face and ears for protection.

Grace dived next to her.

Behind her a disc the size of a large poker chip rolled back the way they had come. It came to a halt, wobbled and fell on its side by the corner.

Two pirates ran around the corner, already firing. One shot zipped just above Tila's head and scraped against the wall. Sparks showered onto the women.

The disc exploded. Grace rolled onto her back and sat up. Through her protective visor she could see the pirates clutching their eyes and ears. One of them fired blindly. More sparks burst from the wall. Grace raised her carbine. She pulled the trigger six times. The pirates went down.

Grace held the weapon ready, trained it on the corner then swung the barrel left to account for her reaction time and the distance a running man could travel.

A third pirate rounded the corner. Grace pulled the trigger without hesitation. Twice. He fell.

Grace stood. She pulled her daughter to her feet. Tila blinked hard and cupped one ear with her hand.

'What was that?' she said loudly.

'Flashbang. Come on.'

They ran through the passageway side by side. Grace held her weapon low now, ready to shoot from the hip. They moved faster.

'How far?' said Tila.

Grace rolled her wrist so she could see her TBC without letting go of her weapon.

'Not far. Forty five metres till we reach a cargo elevator. We take that down three decks to the shuttle bay level, then we head directly for the bay through the lower mess hall.'

'Where they eat?'

'They won't be eating. If the crew know why the agents are here they will be fighting among themselves.'

'And if they don't?'

Grace's eyes glinted. 'Then we can tell them the good news.' Grace paused to cover the next junction. Tila stopped beside her. Grace leaned her head around the corner. Saw nothing. 'Clear.' Grace checked her wrist again. 'Twenty metres.'

Grace covered the junction as she passed, spun to check their rear, then turned back to follow Tila.

'Fifteen metres.'

'I see it.'

The cargo elevator was directly ahead, set into the wall on their right. The passageway widened as they approached. Two free-standing consoles were by the elevator door. A crate full of webbing, straps and hooks was opposite the door.

'Ten meters.'

The light above the elevator lit up. The door shuddered, banged and slid open.

'Down!' said Grace. She slid forward on one knee and leaned against the left wall, her carbine tight against her shoulder. Tila crouched using her body to pin her staff in place against the wall. She held the blaster with both hands and did her best to sight along it.

Grace folded her finger through the trigger guard and took first pressure.

They saw no one but heard a male voice.

'Elevator secure in sector 3. Awaiting your arrival. Confirm progress.' The voice fell silent.

Tila mouthed to her mother, who?

The Dead Fleet (Juggernaut #3)Where stories live. Discover now